Who here builds batteries for free?

It’s hard to draw a line. Trampa sells complete electric boards, if you buy 60% of the parts for your board from them and just throw in a different battery, motor mount and motors, the board will still be very similar to a pre-built Trampa board. You just shuffled some ready made parts together. But that’s the way it works, not only in esk8, also in the automotive industry and elsewhere :smile:


Someone should do it :slight_smile:
Not even that hard to set up some sort of mini automated spot weld assembly line. (The ones that china uses)

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I ahem am offering this in the US.


@longhairedboy honestly, IF you were to do it how much would you charge someone if they brought the cells and a BMS over to your place, used your supplies and equipment to build a battery with a bit of your knowledge.

Dave was teaching me how to build packs, I did a few for him (for Carvon) in the process of learning. Eventually I built my own pack there and he didn’t charge me much. Personally I don’t want to invest in all the supplies and welder needed. I’d pay just to minimize a fire.

Obviously the hand holding was “free”.


Ok but a like @tinp123 pointed out, labor doesn’t have the same cost from one person to the other. And even more so from 1 country to the other.

A cheap labor country could actually be using genuine cells and the meat materials as well as qualified labor, offer good quality product while still charging cheaper. (I have not bought a battery for a long time and the one I got from China is shit but it doesn’t mean a good battery maker doesn’t exist there :sweat_smile:)


Cheap labor country can only work if they produce in volume, one-off parts are still relatively expensive. Producing in volume also means accounting for QC check, export fees etc. At the end of the day you still kind of get what you pay for. Perhaps $400 of parts, labor and shipping can turn into $300 or even maybe $200, but at the end of the day it is still a fraction of cost saving in comparison to the price of the whole pack.


but did you make the stickers yourself? :crazy_face:


dont you offer like a $30 welding services?

Also I have done welding for someone but that’s really it. Idk if @Skunk is happy with it but that’s the last time I weld pro bono. It’s simply more hassle than its worth and I find myself not caring enough about quality


yeah dude, I seen how much you charge to weld p-groups, I’m seriously thinking of availing myself of your services even though I can weld my own :joy:


Many battery that come from China basic battery factory is low quality. It use 0.1mm nickel and many time is B/C grade cell. Many of these company is buy from spot market so battery can even be use before and clean to make looking new.

Battery is very serious and is most important part for board and can be very danger is made wrong.

There are many good quality factory in China that making battery and have correct QC for making safe battery. We make very large battery for 70-80kWh.


@jeffwuneo we’re waiting for the RideNeo pack!!
Unfortunaly shipping from China to eu for battery could be quite a hassle


I dont yet, but I am thinking about it lol, I want to build a few more packs before I feel comfortable enough. However having said this, welding p groups is very easy

Fair enough. Just seems like very low $/h.

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Battery shipping can be problematic and require many documentation for UN38.3 and correct MSDS.


So, does shorting a pack on my wedding ring :hot_face::face_with_head_bandage: make me a battery builder?


@longhairedboy I don’t build batteries for free but I do build them for cheaper than a lot of other people here. Unlike some other people building batteries I don’t have a family to support and don’t really need the money. I do it to make a few extra dollars here and there and because I enjoy doing it (most of the time). I think the reason there is such a big price difference between a pack built by you and a pack built my me is because you are trying to run a actual business while I’m doing this as more of a hobby and because your running a business you have to have labor costs that justify your time however someone like me who is doing it more as a hobby will prob. Charge less per hour than someone running a legitimate business.


well, yeah.


I’ve thought of doing this with 3,4 and 5p pcb’s many times but what happens if the customer screws up while building the pack and blames the battery builder? Sell it with a disclamer?


What if you sold them a pencil and they stabbed their eye with it, what then?

Have a legal disclaimer up front and f*ck it LoL.zz

Also use an LLC so if it gets sued, it’s not you personally getting sued