Which ESCs should I be considering for a new build?

This sarcasm is too dry for me to get if it is sarcasm, but if it isn’t, here’s the thread

I’m going to bed, maybe in the morning I will figure out if you were joking or not :sleeping::gun:

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It’s not. I genuinely forget stuff like this all the time. Thanks for the link, bro.

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Mind if I move your post there?

Edit: Did it anyway 'cause I’m a rebel.

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I saw. I reserve my right to Haze and troll.


Testing TB vesc 6 variant…this will be a great product when it comes out, and it will probably come out soon

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Any news on neoBOX?


Getting back to work on it, apparently. Jeff just dropped an update:


Really hope this turns out to be good :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers: