What grinds your esk8 gears?

But I’ve managed to solder 10 AWG onto XT60 at full thickness.

@Sn4Pz is spot on, I was about to post a rampage but I’ll manage then :joy:


Not a lot of space at all.


Just realised got my T&R’s mixed up earlier.

You’re right.

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It really grinds me to go out for a qwik rip, and having to do the walk of shame back home, after not bringing even a simple skate tool…


Really wanna know what you were going to rant about though :rofl:

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I wont mind as long as you dont attack a member. If this isn’t the case rant away :slight_smile:




Nah I wasn’t planning to storm one of us worry not!

I’m just losing it more and more when it comes to my own fam. There’s so much shit going on sometimes it amazes me like fucking crazy. Currently especially.

Let’s cut it to a quick summary, very quick :

  1. My dad’s still in hospital and it’s still hard to tell when he’ll get better, it worries me like mad. I was by his side all last week but cannot commit all the time, we’re living afar.
  2. My brothers are morons even with this kind of situation. Let’s keep it to morons for etiquette sake.
  3. I hadn’t seen my wife for a month, booked a trip weeks ago cause yesterday was our anniversary. I was never missing it no matter what, yet other family members manage to give shit judgment like “how come I’m with my wife instead of coming back straight to my dad”. Dude, she’s my wife. Do I complain when I’m alone in support and everybody else minds his own shit or goes in vacation while my dad’s still in hospital.
    Did I mention I caught a flu last weekend so I’m also contagious as fuck.
    Cannot meet my dad right now whatsoever.
    See where it’s starting to go?
  4. Did I mention my brother’s are fucking morons. How come my oldest one manages to be so cocky and now jealous cause he cannot brag being “above me” (from is POV of course) anymore.
    It preoccupies the fuck out of him even with my dad in hospital. Like. Am I so interesting to fuck with?

List goes on. It’s just the tip. I blew my mind’s loopkey last Monday. I’m over all this. I’m like :ok_hand:t4: to lose my shit with everyone :joy:


Sorry things are fucked up for you. It’s especially disheartening when family isn’t there in the way you expect. Lucky for them, you’re still there trying. Hopefully in time they’ll come to appreciate that effort, and the person behind it.


Well maybe I should start handing a wholesale ass whooping to some of my siblings to show them what love can also be :exploding_head:

And thank you for your kind words. Actually feels good to see it’s not just me being over my head, thanks.


Were here for ya. This is the perfect thread for you let it all out. Many of us are listening :slight_smile:


Just know that even when your family isn’t there for you, hundreds of random internet skateboard dudes are.


Fuck man, sorry to hear all that. Kinda feel like a dick now for being curious and pushy. Hopefully things work out


It’s alright, actually feels good to write down some steam :fist_right:t4::fist_left:t4:

@Venom121212 @Flasher thank you guys :two_hearts: & again thank you @BillGordon, really appreciated your thoughts.


:gear::boom::gear: Vendors that don’t make turnaround time more transparent… that’s what grinds my gears.

My experience has been largely positive. Frankly, I’m tired of reading these posts over and over. It’s 2019 people… we expect more in this world of lightning fast logistics and computer inventory control. if you can ship it tomorrow, that’s fine. But don’t list items as “in stock” if it will take weeks to source and ship. (@haggyboard.timo raised the bar so high in this industry for customer service and turnaround that perhaps he can pick up some consulting gigs from others :joy:).

I should clarify… I am not referring to situations where build time is expected. @eBoosted enclosures for instance… custom builds that are built to order (and rock BTW) would be expected to take some time. As with many products here, wait time is completely ok for items advertised as “built-to-order”.

Also, a lot of vendors are one-man operations… which I think I REALLY cool as I do custom builds as well now. But I believe that the world shouldn’t pay the price with unexpected delays - it is important to know when to hang the closed sign on the door and get to production. As I often find in business (outside of eskate) too many people are unable to scale their ideas, bring on staff, and keep production moving.

I’ll clarify that the eSkate experience is incredible, this forum rocks, and that I’m being nit picky AF in the spirit of this thread. I’ll step off this box now. :joy:


Keep on preaching til it happens. I think all buyers of battery packs, completes, or otherwise customized products should request an expected date of delivery.

UPOD - Under Promise, Over Deliver


:muscle: Ohio peeps representing a better esk8 world. :joy:


We’re up to 4 builders I’m aware of. Going in the right direction.


This is just a random thing buttttt… When it’s hot af out and I just want it to be cold enough to wear a jacket while I esk8 :joy: Frikkin 85° weather… Rant off because I can also still surf without a wetsuit when it’s 85 out :grin: