Adding the X things form here, fill out your request and you’ll be added to @akhlut ‘s list. Eventually this form will be a thing of the past and you’ll have to go to to order
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How do the xthings feel on your kicktail deck?
I really want a set for my stickerbombed deck but feel like they are too thick.
I should have jumped on the carbon fiber @akhlut
That form is going away soon. Will be moving everything to soon. Just need to get the website finished. Something to work on in Colorado.
They’re a good height. Thick enough to find your footing without looking down or use it as a footstop, but not high enough to be uncomfortable if you are standing on them.
Yaaas. Needs this. Especially since the epoxy on my stickerbombed deck is cracking around the bolt holes. This would really help hold some things together a bit longer.
I don’t think others go as crazy as @akhlut. My Joker set that Matt did was amazing all I did was ask him if he could do it and sent him several options and said whichever is easiest for you and bam out came those amazing pieces of work then I added some paint to them so you could see all the fine detail.
I still think some green paint in those engraving would really make them pop. I was amazed at the detail when I added the paint to mine. It was like all the smaller details got lost in the design but the paint made them stand out so well.