What are the top and rising trucks and mounts **and pneumatics** out there?

They are all fine

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Just not feeling the HeXLs…the DKPs are nice for really low speed but I’ve only felt comfortable going fast on the Cals and Randel style hubs. Besides I can’t do these wide of trucks, 220mm should be better

Also all information is suspect RN because I’ve lost my mind

I already have a set on the MTB, I want something more portable… something I can casually sling under an arm (the MTB is literally a third of my body mass)

What’s bad about those 6x2s? I know people run Clever tires and get good results, I have a set and they run a bit too stiff but they feel hardy

You can use loads of tyres on rockstars… maybe even the TB tyres (havent tried it)

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But I have the Berg rims already :yum:

The TB160 tires should run on Rockstars though, the TB160 hubs run 8" at least…but it would run me close to $170 I think, not sure what the bearings would add

Will you ever have an online shop or at least a publicly available catalog of all the things you stock or are willing to produce?

Get some better TKP🤓

Haha I don’t think I can…these babies are California premium! :yum:

Chambers are better :black_heart:

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Yes, but also like $340 with mounts :sweat_smile:

Edit: they are $400…holy shit that’s a pretty penny. That’s literally the same cost as a MBS mountain board with pulleys and new shock blocks!!

@natebolo is selling some for 300$ with mounts :slight_smile:

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Lol that’s a pretty good discount, why do people always have good parts at very high discounts?

At some point yeah


They wana get rid of em?


I’d get em if I was you:)

I can’t to TKPs my guy :sweat_smile:

Even then, so many pesos still…BN is just cheaper and its precision RKP, I’m a broke college kid lol

Tkp changed my life


If I sell my killshot I’ll keep the chambers

I mean I’m a college kid :joy: guess I ain’t broke idk? :rofl: these chambers are different than other TKP