Weird theories and ideas thread! any ideas welcome

With belts or gears, rolling resistance might make it a useless feature… but with hubs or direct drive? Could be pretty sweet.

Using a gbomb or similar angled bracket as a riser, and bolting a piece of wood or metal onto it where you’d normally put the trucks. Installable, functional kicktail.

Early on when I first got my boosted I tried this old tail bracket thing to see if I wanted to add a tail when I repaired the deck.

It works OK for a small light deck, but for a heavy Eskate you’re asking a bit much.

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Why aren’t there double channel trucks?
There are dkps and channel, but I have never seen anyone mention them…

Well, there is also this:

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How about this:
A leaning Gokart.

Remember how you leaned into it when trying to drive tighter turns in Mario cart? What if leaning would actually have an impact on your turning?

So basically a mountainboard with a chair and a steering wheel that doesn’t turn for better leverage.

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I’m thinkin I’ll test out it just like this and if it functions ok I’ll get some custom wood designed

at first i saw and thought what is this, a tiny kicktail for ants? then i saw what u were replying to, damn, i was right and wrong at the same time :rofl:

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I really love this deck, but it just needs a liiiiittle more kicktail imo.

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X bot. It’s a discourse plugin. Idk if plug in is the right term, idk how discourse works. Idek if I’m spelling discourse right. Itd be like discobot but useful. It’s function would be closing threads and other small tasks that don’t actually require a humans attention. Only accessible by OP per thread. And it’s named after @xsynatic.
Might as well give it a unit conversion function while we’re at it to save @b264 some typing.

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Will i ever be replaced by a plugin?

@discobot fortune


:crystal_ball: Without a doubt




Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.


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The future is now and we are obsolete relics

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I wanna see some really serious one on one racing.
Let’s race for slips, boi.

That’s so cool and easy to use. Im out to skate to make to records. Unsure of active tracking during use, but I’m pretty sure it will ping you phone if badness is happening.

Each 6s dongle comes out to be 5$ usd per item.


Dude i want that!

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So good :ok_hand: can you errr… make badness happen? For science.