So there was some discussion and questions around my usage of Weipu SA20 as phase connectors in one of my boards. These are officially rated at 25A, which seems quite low at first glance. This caused some discussion about safety concerns due the connectors overheating.
I haven’t seen anyone else running these as phase connectors, so I went out and did some testing today. I have a small hill climb in my vicinity, about 1km long and ca 60m in hight difference (according to google, it sure feels like more). Nothing too crazy, but good for testing.
Ambient temperature was 19°C, so the motors got a bit toasty.
Amb. temp:
I did 3 runs, and after each run I unplugged one of the motor phase connectors and checked if they got warm or even hot. I don’t have a flir or anything, so you’re gonna have to trust my fingertip feelings here, but spoiler alert, they did not even get warm. I’d call the temperature ambient, if anything.
Here’s some data:
First run:
Second run:
Third run:
I was pretty much going balls to the walls on the track, considering the ground wasn’t that smooth and I had to watch out for people and biker. You can kinda see my improvement with the increasing avg. speed. All runs were done back to back, with no downtime or cooling in between.
The connectors have a metal casing, which kinda improves heat dissipation, although there is still a pretty thick plastic insulator in there.
All in all I’d say that these connectors have a lot of calculated headroom, I was averaging 38-41A battery amps going up there. I don’t have a metr so I can’t say anything about average motor amps, but if somebody wants to do the math, I’m running 12S with 190kv motors, 1:3.3 gearing.
If there’s demand I’ll do some more testing on a more brutal hill climb, there are some around here. If you have feedback on how to improve testing, feel free to tell me. Thats it, thanks for the attention. Tags for involved folks: @jack.luis @Battery_Mooch @b264