we got to ride a gokart track by special invite

and I got cool video:

it was soo fun.


I’ve raced on this track with the gokarts before, I can’t imagine how hard it would be on a normal board, those turns are shaaaarp


cool footage, Brandon should just put a slide puck on that massive remove lol

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@MoeStooge is also posting footage from his camera on tail of @MarioChacon’s board.


I have a bunch of kinda “raw run” too if people are interested.


raw runs always cool, definitely youtube for those over Instagram since for them imo since the content can get repetitive

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as you wish:

I think i have about 5 more.


okay chill, don’t make me that sad that we don’t have access to go-kart track lol :sob: :joy:

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i’m hoping somehow we flip this into more access to a track for people.

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anyone eat shit ? I’m curious how shin-high walls and straps go lol

no accidents.

which oddly was a requirement of entry… “as long as no one gets hurt”… :D. high bar for esk8.


there’s a video around somewhere of some UK guys bashing it up on a gokart track fully strapped in. they go down a fair bit… and like superheros bounce up and keep going.


Awesome footage @fessyfoo!
We did this a couple of nights ago here. A dozen riders, smooth indoor concrete track. Super fun! Pretty drifty on thane :laughing:


This track was asphalt. and covered in kart rubber. I went home with more traction than I arrived with.

the esk8con track (gene woods racing experience in vegas) was outdoor concrete… polished so smooth. i fell so many times.

just hearing you say concrete made me shudder.


This looks like SOOOO much fun. Hadnt thought about trying to get access to a go kart track before :thinking: i gotta make some calls this week now haha

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awesome. :smile:

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Nice footage! I always get so jealous seeing these events, it takes me a day or two to watch the videos :rofl:

All the indoor tracks near me are that shiny slick concrete. Even the karts will slip and slide around.

There is one motorsports country club that has a nice looking outdoor track. Good and grippy smooth asphalt.

I imagine since they call themselves a country club, they’ll hate my skateboard but I’m sure they love money too. $8000 for all day but includes timing gear and staff, water/soda, and a few other things. Only $5000 for a 4 hour session :thinking:

I’d love to host a CincESK8 one day


Oh man, this looks so fun!! I’d absolutely love to race on an asphalt track to utilise the BRP tyres!!! I still love racing in ERL in Australia but it’s on a concrete track so have to switch to pneumatics for grip.

I’d also love to experience hearing multiple SRB gear drives fanging around a track!! One is loud enough, so to have everyone on open gear drives be awesome!

Thanks for posting all the footage. I thoroughly enjoyed it!

Question on racing technique: how much of a difference do the slide pucks make to lap times? I’m keen to get some and try if it makes a difference. Or is it more a safety tool to stop over balancing?

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I’ve always assumed it makes you slower, since you’re taking weight (thus grip) off the tires. Good for breaking traction and sliding, not for carrying speed or turning effectively.

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^ this is very true, it really depends how much force you put down. The downhill world champion Chase Hiller will sometimes hover his hand inches above the ground just to get that secure feeling while getting low.

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