we got to ride a gokart track by special invite

I think that’s more to get as close to the limit as possible in terms of CG and gravitational torque, similar to why bikers lean into a turn.

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not “all” yet.

more “raw run” mario and ruxx.

it’s so fun following these guys.


yeah I mean I literally talked to chase in my apartment about it lol

If you want practice on a similar material look for some parking garages to ride in. Preferably while mostly empty since they are very slick and tons of hills. Smaller ones have more extreme inclines which mean sliding anytime you break more than a tiny bit.

Add some water or ice if you really want to get used to slick surfaces. Don’t add them if you like your skin and don’t use pads or if you aren’t okay risking a fall.

When leaving my University to go home everyday the safest and easiest way back on the road was through the small parking garage next to my department’s building. Didn’t take long to get used to sliding around that way and thankfully no falls in the garage itself. I’d love to go back and really mess around there now that I have more experience. I was only riding carefully on it the last time I was there.

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learning to use the puck for me has definitely let me push closer to the balance line and save myself when leaning too far in.

@MarioChacon said it helped him get tighter t-race times.

but I do think a lot of it is more for fun / style.

the downhillers like @Zachsnotboard would probably have a better opinion.


That looks so fun! Sadly I can barely make wide turns after breaking the leg. plus there’s no way I can get that low and expected to get back up any more!


we didn’t all get that low. :slight_smile:

check me out in that second vid. (before DH R.u.xx gets low )


Yeah, this is why i often question best technique for esk8 racing. You seem to be keeping up just fine without getting so low.

I’ve experimented a little bit getting super low vs a little bend and so far for me I’m faster when i dont go super low. This could possibly be because I’ve not had enough practice getting low and finding the confidence there.

So maybe a slide puck will help me get that confidence down low?

An interesting debate and I’m sure as the sport grows the answer will become more apparent.

This is strong evidence a slide puck helps. He’s top of the time sheets! You’re also above me so do you use a slide puck for T Racing as well?


Agreed. Idk if it’s the 9" tires or higher ride of channel trucks but I can not touch ground on a turn unless it’s my finger tips.

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my times are from my earliest attempts w/out the slide puck.
since then, i’ve been destroying test tires, and only coming close to those times. so hard to say. I started using the puck on t-race and it did give me more confidence to hit the corners harder especially with wrecked tires. so it feels better, but i haven’t shown it better for me yet. also i’m no where near as good with it as the other guys.


Yeah nice. Thanks for info. Sounds like it’s worth trying out then can report back too. Cheers


“raw run” @MarioChacon

this was i think the first thing i filmed. of course redbeard has to get in on it too. :smiley:


Funny thing is I’m trying to learn from Morgan the opposite and stand up more lol :joy:. Hand down is slower in 75% of corners imo especially in a chicane where you need to transition to opposite turn immediately. But standing high is definitely more dangerous when high siding toe side.


“raw run” from @MetroLinkX4

I think he was just feeling the track out and I came rushing up trying to catch up to him. :smiley:

yeah, I think morgan and i get captured in photos doing the michael jackson lean.
but idon’t think that’s great either. it is fun tho.

lower COG and ability to flip sides quickly is where it’s at.

so some kinda middle ground.


I think something like these two, downhill style but u don’t need to worry about being aerodynamic


chasing mr moav… aka @computers aka perfect line alex.


brandon “red” torgo. _flys_ by so i try and chase him down… ride with me feel the strain. :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

actually i swear i had faster laps than that… but… I was trying to gain ground to get footage of him so I was trying to catch up and just i didn’t do it.


and here’s the actual “raw run” footage of Torgo it’s pretty fun.
you’ll see he let’s me catch up cause he knows I have the cam… :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue: