Wanted items cheap or free

Hello I need two vesc or one dual vesc cheap or free in in the continental United States. I am wanting to switch my meepo v3 to a vesc and gradually change all the parts ( I know someone’s hoarding something😂)

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could there be a third vesc out there?

I scored this beauty and want to revive it.

I’m planning on 6s, 40 amp batt max.
lots of space in that box, whatchu got?

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Appreciate it brotha as usual. One of these days I’ll hopefully be able to help you Hahahaha

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and response time. (anecdotal)

This was the largest thing for me, I have a 2 week vacation coming up (that I was going to use for our honeymoon but this damn COVID thing -_-) so I’ll have two weeks of play time with my board once I get my NeoBoxes, so I wanted to make sure all the other pieces for the board are ready (with some cushion if I need to reorder different parts) before then. Its been three days since my order, and the package is… in my PO Box now according to the tracker.

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Lol I’ll drop a couple off for you with your battery


Ohhhhhhhh. Sweeeeet. Thank you thank you. The battery yeeee


Anyone have a bundle of working voltage checkers they can sell? Need about 15. From China they would run me about 25ish bucks but shipping from them would be a nightmare rn. Obviously willing to pay fair for them, just asking that your within the states :wink:

Charger for 12s4p 30q , anyone got one laying around

Hey buds,
Anyone have spare Samsung 30Q cells?
I could use 16 or 28 in NYC.


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i have the TB 12s battery charger

Give me a price

Can anyone provide caliper measurements for TB v5/v6 mounts?

They’re going to be used to make belt covers, and unfortunately all I’ve got is a ruler :man_facepalming:

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WTB SR TKP mounts or just hanger clamps

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@Boardnamics might have some left

Does anyone have a BigBen SS hummie enclosure laying around that they want to sell


Anyone Selling a Turnigy 6363, 190KV motor? I got one and need another one for dual drive but Turnigy is completely sold out with no signs or re-stocking :grimacing: :grimacing:

Sell it and get 6374/84 from Flipsky :slight_smile: Much more power and sensors.


Sensors waste space that could be used for more stator.


Is hfi as good as sensors

Would it pass a blind test on sound and startup

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