Motor discussion: the best and worst of it all

Where does this mostly come from?

Belts? Improperly alligned drivetrain/pulley?

Asking to (hopefully) avoid it myself :man_shrugging:t2:

Comes from the road mostly, unless something is seriously wrong with your drivetrain. Esk8 should not be shitting metal dust. Cars, on the other hand, shed that shit like my roommate sheds dandruff.


Brake pads on disc brakes, mostly on automobiles. Friction braking.


@sesat making progress :weary:


You can buy 63100 at Aliexpress sensored…

I’ve come full-circle from wondering why all motors didn’t have sensors and refusing to consider sensorless ones — to now wondering why they have sensors at all because it just adds weight & complexity and raises the failure rate and cost.

First thing I do now when installing a motor is clip the sensor wires off it.

The final nail in the sensor coffin is when the HFI firmware debuted… but even before that I was running sensorless BLDC on Ackmaniac 3.103


I just want to inform that you could buy them with sensors at Ali…Agree with you about HFI, cause I have a board running that way with great results…But my everyday board have TB 6380s and I fuckn love them…



Yeah I do love the TB6380 motors


How many motor amps u successfully done with HFI and how big a motor?

I haven’t tried it and waiting for motors to show but vedder said it can lose sync from too many amps.



It is my wife mountainboard…so amps are 50 per motor, 2 destroyed Maytech 130kv sensorless…And she is very happy with the change…I ride it and it feels smooth, really a great upgrade…but did not push to many amps my self

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The most so far is

on a TB6380. And this is single drive, so it’s driven closer to the maximum at most times unlike a dual.


Has anyone here had issues with flipsky 6384s temp sensors?

Mine don’t seem to work.
not getting any temp readings on metr app

Wiring issues may!? Any ideas!?

Thank you guys

Do you happen to have the I, R, and L values from motor detection for those? Just curious is all. Not super important

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@b264 I don’t think I can get that info with the app witch is All I have to Setup my board.

Can I find it there?

Try to measure the termistor pin to ground and to 5v pin. The thermistor should be wired between ground and it’s pin

You should measure a resistance of around 10 k between it’s pin and ground, and open circuit between it’s pin and 5 V. If it’s the inverse it won’t work with VESC


Aw man. Just Got done working on the boards for the day “enclosure bolted back on and everything shrink wrapped”

But I will definitely give it a go next time I crack it open

Thank you for the help

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Motor Current Max 120A
Motor Current Min -120A
Battery Current Max 120A
Battery Current Min -150A
Absolute Max Current 200A

Unity and dual 192kV SK3 6374s.

[edit] I’ve since adjusted Battery Current Min -45A to not ruin my battery, but ran HFI successfully with those settings before. [/edit]


There are several apps. I usually use the desktop application. If you mean Android, I am not familiar with that one.

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