Wanted items cheap or free

I’ve only got 2 wheels if that helps :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yes i’m pmed you!!

Looking for a few things:

A good amount of fishpaper sheets
A spot welder
Good quality nickel

Shipping to Canada. All the stores I usually like are closed atleast until june


Looking for 2x Kegel Pulleys that can work with 15mm wide belts; 40T preferred but other T count’s will also work;

Can pay or trade with 2x ABEC 40T Pulleys

Anyone able to print this evolve carbon gen2 battery spacer from thingiverse for me? Need it to fit an 18650 pack in the deck. Will pay!

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I have some of those

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Does anyone have a spare antispark that is reliable?

Yes. It’s called xt90s as a loopkey :slight_smile:


go with a loopkey so much more reliable and cheaper. Antisparks are bound to fail at some point. Every time you turn them on, their life deteriorates.


if you still want an antispark tho, I believe @chrischo1996 should have 1 left.

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Got a lotta parts that I was searching for, still need some more tho if anyone is tryna get rid of these:

  • 2x Motor Pulleys for Flipsky 6354 190kV Motors (15T / 16T will work)
  • 3 pairs of XT-60 connectors, 3 pairs of XT-90 Antisparks
  • Single long hangar (can be TB 218, a DickyHo Paris Clone, or any long hangar which can accommodate TB’s 6.3" AT wheel)
  • 2x Kegel Pulleys (15mm wide belts)(40T preferred, but 36T / 44T works too)
  • 2x Pulleys for TB AT Wheels

Stuff that could be included with any of the above (if you have extra or just wanna sell something you’re not using, since Amazon shipping is taking forever):

  • A box of heat shrink (something similar to this would work)
  • Solder (I prefer this but anything with ur recommendation would work)
  • Braided sleeving for motor wires
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I have a lonely TB218 hanger…no base plate or kingpin.

I have some grey 3/4" sleeve. how much do you want?

PM if interested

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PMed you!

I’ve got 2 x 36t Kegel haggyboard pulleys. If the quarantine wasn’t in effect, I’d deliver them to you and skate around, I’m about 2 hours east of you.

Ehhh second thought, this message is scary


No way, we should skate sometime (I’m in West Lafayette, IN)!

I think there is a chance that those pulleys could work if we got the right bearing.
The 6001 type is 12mm (inner) x 28mm (outer) x 8mm (width). We’d just need a bearing with an inner width of 8mm.

I can also drive so we can meet halfway if you’re down for that!

I’ll check tomorrow, I might have those bearings.

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Bro if you actually have those bearings I’ll let you have my username

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So close, found 12x28, then 10x28, then I got duped by another set of 12x28x8 that I read backwards. Your username is yours unfortunately.

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Oh noooo ahah so close. I’ll still try finding the bearings and lyk how it goes.

On that note, if anyone has 8mm x 28mm x 8mm bearings, please hook me up!

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