Wanted items cheap or free

@ZachTetra standard priority is fine lol @Scepterr

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yeah with standard priority you’ll have it in 2 days

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Haha. @kadeanderson I still have a hand full of those ppm cables if you still need it

Damn bro. Thanks for the response ! I’m chilling tho now.

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anyone got a bang up bamboo puck shell to send to @Venom121212 to CAD?
Pretty please… I will pay for shipping unless it’s more than 10$, in which case I will pay for part of the shipping :hear_no_evil:

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I have a Sunko 737G spot welder available to lend anyone needing to work on a build. Just let me know!


Does anybody have 2 pairs of XT-90s connectors and like 10 pairs of 5.5mm bullet connectors they could sell?

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Who has bindings with heelstraps taking dust in their drawers? Would be delighted to feel safer on my new board

Thanks @Tamatoa, but fortunately I inherited rockstart 2 hubs a while ago, so I won’t be needing those.

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Nice catch on the rockstar 2s. :grin:

10 posts were merged into an existing topic: Derail Jail 2020_Summer

does anyone have one of these?

I should prob try to order one from them so I can customize shaft to be 8mm or 10mm not 12

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“Wanted items cheap or free”


I need one or two cheap or free 6355 / 6354 motors. Broken sensors, no sensors are fine. 8mm shaft. Anyone got something?


Those are 60$ for a set of 4 with 15% discount code comes down to 51$

I don’t how much the rest of those things go for exactly. I can’t recall exactly but wasn’t there a link for kenda tires for around 10-15$ a pop?
Also, Lacroix includes motors with their HyperTrucks kit.



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Wow!! So those items are even cheaper than I thought :roll_eyes:

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Aww hell naw


170Kv to 210Kv prefer 190 to 210


well those trucks are made using 5 axis machining which is costly. Whether or not it is necessary for some trucks, I can’t say as I am no engineer.
I read here somewhere that 7075 T6 adds something like ~25% over 60XX but I didn’t see quotes or invoices supporting that number.

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I gots u… just pay shipping and help me with my A123 battery bms hummie build :call_me_hand: