Wanted items cheap or free

Yeah I have 15T too… But with new 85mm wheels this will end up in 40kmh topspeed which is a bit lame ^^

Thanks though brother

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smaller wheel pulley??

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For 2 * 35€ + shipping?

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fair nough i just 3d print wheel pulleys and they hold up fine

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Well you can obviously 3d print your whole longboard ^^
I want something reliable and cheap, dickyho served me well in this, but he didnt answer anymore for over a week now…
Do you know where I could get new motor pulleys online? They would still be cheaper than some new wheel pulleys ^^ also smaller than 36T is pretty rare to see

Since my motor has a keyshaft, I want to make use of that and have a key shafted pulley too…

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I have these two 16T aluminum 8mm keyed for 15mm 5M belts. I just replaced them with steel ones from @Anubis which are priced great.

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I understand that @Anubis is also getting in BN new kegal press fits.


@Redeye thanks, I think I’ll get Anubis’ 18T ones, to get higher top speeds!..

Edit: since you live in germany… How much would you want for them? If you can sell them for dirt cheap I’ll get them as a temporary solution!

Will you have 5M 15mm 18T 8mmbbore keyshaft avaible anytime soon?
Could I pay you via PayPal and you ship them out if you get them?

Only 17T, I won’t have 18T.

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Do you have 15T you don’t need? If so, I’ll just trade you.


Only one and it’s 10mm diameter :confused:
How much would you take for the two pulleys? How much is shipping here in Germany?

Can I pay you directly somehow?
PayPal gives me 1 eur = 0.85 gbp instead of 0.90 gbp by google

As I understand, the one you linked are not the new BD pulleys.
I mean these:

@Anubis am I right?
And on the side the one linked from your shop says kit, is that a pair?

The ones I linked are dickyho pulleys, I was just indicating that I read he will also stock ones BN just released at some point.

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PM me your address and I’ll confirm, should be around 5€.

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Yea transferwise I can take EU bank account

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5 x 25R batteries or similar 2500mAh battery? One of my parallel group died. Used ones are fine too as long as they have good capacity.

Have you tried sending a second message?

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I feel bad for how much I spammed him… 8 messages, each like 50 words

Oh damn you’re persistent. I’ve never had any issues with dickyho, except maybe having to double message once or twice. He was last online here a day ago so not sure why you aren’t getting a reply