Wanted items cheap or free

I’d argue that it isn’t fully. I can see why you say that. But I don’t like the weight of the rider being on the abec pins.

It isnt. There is an insert to the bearing seat that supports the wheel the same way that the bearing would. That load is then transferred to the bearing that is pressed into the pulley. To each their own I suppose.

Offering these things
Put in 36 to 72 volts
Get out 12v

Um1524 is part number

12 volt regulator


Absolutely not.

With bearings, the full load is on each bearing in an axial arrangement.

With the metroboard 36T pulley, part of the load is on the side of the wheel core itself.

Draw it out


thanks but i need bolt on pulleys since i’m using regular caliber trucks

Shoot me your addy again. I’ve got a set of used ones you can have for shipping ($10).


someone please tell me you have
2x - 230,235, or 240 belts
2x - 245,250, or 255 belts

it’s all i need to get riding!

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Check with @ZachTetra. I sold him 10 sets of random belts lol


I got a pair of 235 5M 11 belts, and a 255 5M 15

Some one here has a speed ring? :sweat_smile:
And a lens head screw 1 1/4 inch?
I would also get a whole pack cause that easier I guess…
Must be 1 1/4 inch, black, and lenshead

Thank you guys so much!


Anyone? Can be anything from 40 to 45 degrees but they need to fit Caliber/TB218 hangers

Can anyone invite me to https://pr0gramm.com/ ?

lol how do you know about it?

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Im a gopnik spy, and like these types of internet sites haha fuck social media, forums, youtube that type of sites is gold haha

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Damn son.

Can’t invite you though… I can’t get any invites anymore.
Easiest way probably is to get the Pr0mium account.

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A friend told me that you can get in through posting stuff as well, not sure will have to check if not hope for some christmas invites or so :smiley:

Yep, you have to have some requirements before you receive invites to give away. I fullfilled all but got banned twice or so for stupid shit which voided the chance of me getting invites at all.

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