Can you please try again with the latest beta? (0.10.1) I reverted to the old behavior where both “Nearby devices” and “Location” permissions are requested before performing a bluetooth scan.
Working guys
All working now - thanks
I was excited to see the changelog include this:
0.23.0 - 2025/01/28
- New feature: Changing Megans display orientation (portrait/landscape)
Which is great for my scooter application. However, I went to update the display and it says it’s fully up-to-date at version 0.19.2 and there are no further updates.
How do I kick start it into these newer versions?
Turn on beta updates
That worked; the changelog should probably have a note on the versions showing beta status.
My wifi has never really worked right on my Megan, I figured out why today.
Bug report: Having a long BLE name can cause it to overflow into other fields😬
Thanks for reporting this! Will fix!
Does Minne records, along with normal telemetry, individual voltages of the battery when connected on a ennoid/flexibms?
Is it possible to increase rate that Megan records vesc data? Looking at my data, it appears to only be ~5Hz. Would I do this just by increasing the rate that my vescs send information?
Context; I’m doing drag race runs that only last a few seconds, and would love to have more then 10~20 data points across that range
I just repinned the connectors for my Megan to use CAN, checked the pin out with a multimeter and turned everything on to check vesc settings(can status 1-4 are turned on for both sides). It seems to be stuck in a boot loop though. Any suggestions?
Might be a power delivery problem, perhaps the voltage drop across that long run is causing it.
It’s connected to 5v on the esc (not 3.3v?)
If I was in your position, my first debugging step would be connecting an oscilloscope to the power input pins on the Megan. Voltmeter would probably work too if you don’t have an oscilloscope.
No oscilloscope but I do have a voltmeter: pins are reading 4.85v at the Megan header when tested which doesn’t seem low enough to cause issues (I assume).
Stormcores have fucky 5v CAN delivery.
Use 5V from UART or the PWM port
That worked!
Thanks y’all.
Anyone have a CAD model of the Minnie? Or have one on hand they could give me rough measurements of?
Im trying to model out this build as much as possible, but all my minnies are at my workshop