VESC WAND REMOTE soon to arrive from the future

Already asked about testing he said no but they might make a version available soon

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Very tempted, but im a metr pro user. Any chance we can plug the wand into one vesc and the metr into the slave? I really want cruise control. Throttle curves would be really nice too! My benchwheel remote is super touchy

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The metr module can be plugged in slave. It’s sort of stupid to run two technically nearly identical NRF chips, but with metr your locked to their hardware, although there is no technical reason for that. You will definitely need a proper open dongle from us, that you can re-flash / update with Vedders Open Source code.


Would it be possible do you think for @rpasichnyk to incorporate the s/w for the wand into the Metr NRF, or is there a proprietary code issue on the VESC Wand side or some other technical challenge that I am misunderstanding?

BTW Roman I searched for @metr and hit no match, would this name be a better representative for the product? Just a sugg

@magharees it will be possible for me to write the nRF code that does ratio communication using timeslot API but even if I do, this feature will be highly highly experimental from the beginning. I don’t want to be responsible for people breaking their legs which I am afraid will happen when this new remote is released :see_no_evil:


I think you would get love

It would impact the need for a purchase of the Trampa nrf but there doesn’t look like margin anyway…you should shove a few $ to Vedder each time that use case is activated

Viva cleverness! Timeslot sounds interesting, presumably there is loads of overhead that is unused in the nrf even with this additional load that could be measured to ensure h/w limitation is not exceeeded this causing lag or non ack

Ps put ‘(metr)’ in after your name in system setting and your name will be suggested as soon as someone does an @metr


I love the logging of your app. I just wish you would consider making it a paid app that would work with the Trampa and other nrf dongles.

Having the app locked to a particular dongle increases cost without making you more profit and we have to use dual dongles.
I would rather pay 20-30€ for the app which would all end up in your pocket. Right now we pay for parts, shipping etc which you do not profit from.


We use these remotes for years now. Personally I use a modded Nunchuck since 2015 and that features only a NRF24 with super low output signal and an antenna in the worst location possible.
Benjamin Vedder never used anything else and @linsus can confirm how beautiful it works.
There is bunch of users out there who built their own Nunchuck mods.
Why should people break their legs using a NRF based remote? In the end we actually know the code and do not deal with a black box PPM system.

The COMM port of the VESC is a multi purpose port that can be used for many things. It makes sense to have open equipment attached, so that the port is not blocked for single App usage. Imagine a few Apps would go down that line. It would be hilarious to see people use UART splitters with an unknown impact on reliability and multiple NRF dongles because of software/hardware locks although the Vedder Code is open source and totally does the trick to communicate with the VESC in both directions. It’s a NRF/Bluetooth 4/5 capble transceiver in the end and all our phones only use one built in chip for a good reason. There is plenty of room to design different dongles with different features. And there is plenty of room to design Apps for data logging, RT-Data and Setting adjustments. It’s just painful for users to run out of ports for no technical reason.

I quite agree with the above statements. @rpasichnyk, I think that it could certainly be in your interest to offer an alternative in which useres pay for the software, which is compatible with any hardware. This would allow for more of an efficient method of using nrfchips instead of doubling up, but also means that you have to produce less modules, face less stress in that regard, never run out of stock, blah blah blah, you get the idea.
Certainly it also means that your hardware becoming obsolete is not an issue, since if you just maintain the soft ware aspect, you’ll maintain your loyal following .

For the sake of everyone, please, give it a thought!!

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if you have 3 boards and you want to use the metr modul on all of them you need 3 modules. One module roughly 50€ means 150€ (-production and material cost). This over a one time payment of 20-30€ for the app… I think that´s why modules for sale and not the app.


I am sure he could implement some sort of paid activation code per connected dongle.
Right now I have 3 boards and only 1 metr pro dongle.
As much as I like the app there is no way I am paying that much money for 3 dongles just to get logging.


You can give data logging in VESC-Tool a try. Still basic, but that will change.

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I have. Unfortunately I can’t get it to record a whole session.
For some reason it only records when the phone is unlocked and the screen on.
The csv file is created but it only contains the first and last part of the ride.
I have tried altering app permissions to run in the background etc but I still can’t get it to work.

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I’ll chat about that with Benjamin.


@taz @Zach @Andy87 I get your complaints about the price, but there is a reason why we do it the way we do it.

We can not activate Metr functionality on other BLE modules because they are not good enough. They have neither shield nor decoupling capacitors. They don’t have enough memory, enough processing power, enough LEDs for diagnostics. They are not secure and do not have support for loading / upgrading firmware over the air.

To support all those modules with all their shortcomings would mean impossible amount of work for us. We have never had a goal to offer Metr App for everyone. Our goal instead has always been to offer the best experience.

Thank you for the suggestions! :heart:


Index finger control…


can we see the bottom of the remote?

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Not yet.

Sucha tease. I just wanna see your bottom is that too much to ask :joy:

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At least take Frank to Dinner first before asking to see his bottom please

Jokes aside this is looking good, probably will get one in the future

These new rise profiles that change online are great, not only on the remote, but for example, integrated in DaVeGa to change profiles with one button