VESC-Tool 6 release

Spintend did add their hardware to the VESC project and it’s included in the 6.0 release. If it’s showing an available firmware, then that means that the hardware name matches… but I’d still check with Spintend just to make sure


@AmySpintend, are a you able to confirm?

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Not sure if anyone else had this issue, but ever since the vesc app updated by itself I no longer get telemetry after a ride even though live telemetry still works. This is really frustrating since one day everything works and the next day its broken after I haven’t touched anything.

Fw5.3, vesc app on android.


I have a Davega, but curious about trying the Vesc app also, Do you have to keep location on the whole time (android) to get data or will it time out?

yep if your vesc firmware does not match the firmware of the app it stops working


Shit. Well last time I tried fw6 beta my controller blew up on the bench. Based on others experiences lately theres no way I’m updating. I guess I’ll have to use a different app for telemetry


@Trampa the firmware archive tab is cool, but how can I get fw5.2 on my 100D+? It only shows firmware for 5.3 and 6.0. It won’t let me load 5.2 onto my esc.

The 100D+ is newer than FW5.2. So there is no 5.2. Oldest FW for the 100D+ is 5.3.


Vedder is looking into this right now.


100D+ has been around since 5.1 100Dx is he new one


The conspiracy is that these are blowing up so only one ESC will exist, only one.
download (2)


Jeff can add the FW to the archive via a pull request. So that will be added pretty soon.

@Tony_Stark , the latest beta version should have this fixed.

I think one of the big changes from VESC 4.x to 6 was moving from two phase shunts to three. So rather than measuring the current in two phases and calculating the third you get direct readings from all 3. All VESC 6 have three phase shunts, but phase filters are the more-optional part, as the name implies they clean up the readings from the phase current measurements. Again, I think, pinch of salt.

Edit for clarity after @Deodand 's post: IMO phase and low side is still kind of confusing, given they’re both connected to the phase just differing in where, right? Why not just high side and low side. I was using phase shunt here as the supercategory, not commenting on whether they’re high side or low side

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Fantastic, thank you.

+1 on this if anyone has what looks like a turbo-fucked ESC, I don’t have an ST Link or an excess of brain cells but managed to rescue an old dead unity with a second ESC and this method


I’m in that category, hoping to use a neobox to revive a littlefoc3.1. Wish me luck


NEOBOX worked as SWD! Lf3.1 lives!
For some reason now my imu is dead.


ok so vesc tool says there is no loaded firmware for the hardware type.
asked spintend and they don’t have the ubox75 v2 fw6, am i being a dum dum on this?

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Can you take a screenshot of this part of the tool?


The way the VESC tool knows which firmware to use, is based on the Hw: [NAME], which in the example above is “60”

If that doesn’t match (because maybe one of their older custom firmwares used a different hardware name) then you won’t be able to update just by clicking upload.


However, if you are sure it’s supposed to be running UBOX_V2_75 firmware, you can load the file manually from the archive @ Index of /vesc_fw_archive by using the “custom file” feature. You may have to update the bootloader (next tab over) if it fails to load, as that was changed for 6.0.

If you do, give Silent HFI a try and post your results in the Silent HFI thread. That’s one of the few ESCs that has both phase shunts and phase filters, so it would be really interesting to see how well it works.


On the app, it’s a pain in the arse to plug it into the pc rn.
I’ll defo post the results, however i’m running inrunners which don’t like shfi

edit- @jaykup you magnificent bastard it worked

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