Is 1 second what most use for the timeout? I think that’s default, right?


Very cool. I did not know that. So you can apply brakes after a time-out of X seconds?

Ja. Würde aber die Zahl klein halten :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Yea, but hold the amps low :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Actually, there is a bug that makes this not working.
This has been fixed in the 5.02 (hopefully) soon to be released.


What does klein/small mean? What number of current would you apply? And do you also got a pic for that setting in the VESC tool app on Android?

That sounds usable.

If you want to see what happens in disconnect, out it in a filing cabinet or something else srmi-sealed and metal.

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5-10A? Didn’t test it myself. Just test it.

The problem about that feature: If you loose connection during acceleration, the board would go straight into braking and that would send you flying. Even going from acceleration to coasting can be challenging for a rider, depending on gearing.
The remote would need to send a signal to the ESC, stating that is was switched off by the user intentionallly (not by disconnection or flat battery). A brake current consumes energy and you don’t want to burn energy when you park your board on the flat. So active braking is not really an option. It would need to be more like fully applied brakes which only work when the board moves. We could try send a brake command when the throttle is locked and see how that works.


Can be easily solved, when you slowly let go the throttle. Depends on the situation. :man_shrugging:

Throttle lock can be coded to apply brakes. We will give that a try in the next FW revision.


That would be awesome!

On the Backfire Mini brakes are indeed applied after approximately 2-5 seconds when the remote is either disconnected or actively/manually switched off.

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So I was ducking around with the app when I was out and I paired then deleted all paired vescs. Now I can’t connect to the unity, it wants me to open the deck back up and use a USB or enter a uuid manually. Im too dumb to know what a UUID is. Is there anyway to do this without opening the deck back up? Sorry if this is here somewhere, couldn’t find it.

Don’t pair them unless you have security concerns about someone in your group ride – or some random hacker – connecting to your VESC and maliciously or accidentally changing settings.

Once the pairing flag is set, I’m pretty sure the only way to connect would be to access the hardware USB port. Someone correct me if I’m wrong. Maybe if you saved the UUID previously, it was here when you were connected.

Next time screenshot the pairing info or UUID. Then you have it to hand when needed.

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Screenshot and good to go…I am more than happy with the pairing mode…Bad people or a stupid joke could kill you…

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Anybody gots the bin file for 5.01 :eyes::call_me_hand: plzzzzzz

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You dotn want that. Sec

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Ohhh :joy::joy: