That’s polishing. I know it’s a task for later.

Who found a glitch?


Using your own brother as a guinea pig, shameful :slight_smile:


The glitch was: While brakes worked just fine to slow you down while rolling backwards and they would bring you to a full stop (as expected), you couldn’t use positive throttle to achieve the same braking behaviour. This was NRF-Remote in smart reverse mode where you would not set a negative speed limit since the smart reverse is limited in speed anyway. However, if you would set a speed limit, the described behaviour occurred. Although not tragic, since brakes still worked, a panicking rider would have better chances to escape the situation faster if both, brakes or pos throttle, work for you.

This differs from total loss of control as it was reported by some users here on the forum.

I shit on anyone in my life who argues for ‘last second changes I tested for a couple days myself’ into a release at work…

And my products cannot not hurt anyone - we SHOULD hold VESC project to higher standards than software not LOWER


gtfo over it guys. tired of seeing vendors chased out of here by bad attitude. Trampa is a business and its not his job to be on here answering questions and providing some support but here he is. Let this fanboy hate BS go. You wouldnt have shit to ride without some of these people supporting this firmware development and funding it



working directly with a developer to test and include a feature for a critical product.

A stakeholder would feel my wrath at work for doing such a thing :slight_smile:

I’m letting him off lightly and my these are my last comments on this.

(Looks for the post about getting involved in this VESC release process lol)


So wait. There’s a stable 5.x fw now?

Nm. Read it better this time.

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@Deodand will FW 5 support and is it tested on 2x single focbox as far as you know?

The previous live firmware was much more unstable/unsafe IMO I was hitting motor temp limits 15+ times in a 1 hour ride even though I maxed the temp limit as far as it would go (120C).

Motor temp at standstill never exceeded 50 degrees.

Sure I coulda downgraded to whatever firmware version I prefer but Im to lazy to open my enclosures and updating via the app is just way simpler.

IMO this beta stuff just resulted in an “unsafe” (I mean as long as you’re aware of it it’s fine) being live longer than needed, not that I’m against beta testing or anything.

But I do find it hilarious how people have been yelling to get the Vesc project running beta’s so that unsafe firmware’s aren’t released and that directly results in an “unsafe” firmware being the most up to date for a couple extra weeks :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yes during the transition to this model its true. But ideally this firmware will be stable since it was more extensively tested, and then moving forward each time a release is done it will have more stable behavior. So we should start seeing benefits from this point forward. But yes maybe during the transition we should have continued working the live branch to stabalize bugs.


back to the topic, im having issues with communication over Can with Vesc Tool 2.05. Anyone else experiencing this? I can connect and do motor detection, but pushing the write motor/app config buttons while accessing the can side of the dual 6.6 does nothing, no change to status message at bottom right indicating its doing anything

now ive only got the master side running when I push the remote, both are showing up fine in vesc tool


Ohh definitely this isn’t directed at the project dev’s. Lots of hard work has gone in on your side to keep people happy. I was just trying to point out the irony of the situation and how nobody was up in arms screaming.

Not sure how easy it’d be but it’d be awesome to be able to update to the beta FW through the Vesc tool App to save the hassle of opening the enclosure, you might get some more testers involved that way :wink:

It is already possible, there is a .apk packaged in the download of the beta folder zip with which you can install the beta app on android devices.


Hahaha I was typing it out and thinking I’m probably going to make myself look like a fool, I clearly didn’t look hard enough, but this is great to know! Thank you

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OK kidz i’m ready to make the leap to FW5 on a unity… I didn’t wanna be a beta tester but it looks like that’s what I’ll be… I wanted UNITY apk running on android, and I’m keen to experience HFI vs. sensors… I hope the sound is as kool in person!!

I just downloaded and and dropped a few sheckels to the VESC Project, thank you guys very much… if I brick my Unity, you guys give me back my many monies, right?
:sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

hold my beer… I’m goin’ in… a quick question… updating from Unity 23.46 via USB to FW5 should be painless, correct? or do I have to make an interim leap of FW say like in an old VESC to 3.6~ like, to FW won’t take me for ever-nevers…

Thanks United VESC TEAM! all ya’all are kool in my book


Ready to ship, replaces MKlII. Same features, different IMU, needs it’s own FW to support that IMU.


I think that’s been fixed? Not sure; am upgrading my ESC via bluetooth rn, and it’s taking a good 10 minutes… Aand it sped up real fast and is done, weird!

Went for a short ride (was cold), not sure if that’s a Metr bug or my focbox really was at a stable 25 degress the whole time.

Also regen is at 0…


FWIW I was one of the louder critics of the prior release system.

All I can say is that despite some minor growing pains, I am a lot more confident with the new beta testing cycle and stable/dev release branch. It’s going to take a bit of time to get everything running smoothly, but this is already a vast improvement to process from even 6 months ago.

Vedder and @Deodand working together on a unified codebase is the best news the VESC project could have. Thanks for all of your hard work.


ok… but now I’m bottlenecked by the arcane VESC website ordering/downloading limbo exercise and mental puzzle…