You can use your phone as a bridge. This method is faster than direct BLE from computer to board. Both devices have to be in the same network. To bridge via the phone you have to go to DEVELLOPER in the app and enable the TCP Bridge. In VESC Tool you go to connections and then TCP. Enter the IP your App shows and connect to the VESC.


could you elaborate why it would be faster with another device in the mix? and even if it’s not the best method it should still be functional, since it is there.

also connecting my laptop to board over ble was considerably simpler than going the tcp bridge route


Yes I’ve spoken with Vedder about getting the MSVC compiler working in the build tools so we can support BLE on windows. Vedder and I already made all necessary changes and merged them into the codebase so it compiles cleanly, but it is some amount of work to compile QT statically with MSVC, and Vedder would need to setup a VM on his server etc. so the time is not completely trivial to automate the process. It is on our radar though but there is a big list of stuff, some of which the payout is probably more exciting.


Most phones seam to have quite good BLE modules and WFI ist fast anyway. It seams to speed up the process. Windows and MAC compiling automation is in the works. So it should be a matter of a few weeks to sort that out.


@Deodand @Trampa
Can you guys at some point fix the fact that the setup information (battery s count, capacity, gearing and wheel size) is only stored in the master vesc during detection?
Not a serious problem by any means, just an inconvenience.
I am talking about the mobile version of the vesc tool.


and the 99A battery on setup


There is an advanced tab for that.
Maybe no value and making the user specify his own values would be best.


Maybe you guys should be creating tickets on the github project?

I don’t do github. The developers can choose to disregard my suggestions in here if they want.


The 99Amps issue has been known for months or over a year i reckon.


Application development is not everyone’s cut of tea, especially when they’ve had no prior experience with the project.


The contribution policy mentions the VESC Project forum as the way to discuss about bugs/features.
This is the shortest link to Ben’s ears :slightly_smiling_face:


This is no issue. 99A is totally fine. Your battery will only see the amps you generate during braking and Amps drop fast anyway. Weak breaks are simply not an option. Your health has priority. If you want weak brakes, you are free to lower the amp setting. By default you get strong brakes.

yeah right. And yet you pushed the release with the bug.

Priority my ass.


My personal belief is that the no. 1 thing that kills cheap HW4 based ESCs is people setting their battery current too high. The ESC doesn’t react in time to the heat and just fries itself.

+ most people’s batteries (especially those with a discharge BMS) aren’t meant for that high of a current. Please, set it to something lower, or at least have it be a field you can set in the motor setup wizard.


Yeah, sure, let me use this default value on my weak 4S3P with crappy cells, nothing will go wrong with that


This is not a bug, but it’s an issue though.
We get a LOT a questions/concerns about this from beginners who, either are afraid by this high number, or let it to this weird value although they’re running a weak/small battery.

Automating things makes people think they don’t need to care of.
THIS is definitely an issue.

Looks like an ad :smile:



If you dig a bit deeper into regen braking, you will see that the strength of the brakes should not be limited. You can’t magically store the energy into the universe and weak brakes are simply not an option. Most of the time you only brake gently or normally and the amp flow is low anyway. If you need to brake hard, you are happy to have good brakes. Brake strength and amp flow is always correlating. The amp flow is simply regulated by your thumb, not a setting!
If someone says the battery is to weak for the amp flow, he says the brakes are too weak in the same breath. Should you take such a skate out to ride?

There is only one scenario where you could overstressed your battery, and that is going down a very very steep hill at high speeds while braking hard without deaccelerating. On such a hill you need strong brakes!

Tldr: the stress your battery sees is determined by your ride style while emergency braking should always be possible. If you feel that your brakes are too strong, you should only lower the motor regen value.


Why do you focus on regen ?
99A apply to discharge as well.

Example : 12S3P, motor automatically set at 70A, batt max at 99A.
What is your explanation to that, please ?


@Deodand just updated my Unity to FW5.1 with vesc tool 2.06

just reporting in to say that im seeing the same issues as others with regards to my motor temperature sensors. both motors showing -99 as reported temperature on this firmware build.