VESC fw6.0 silent HFI testing + experiments

This is great testing, and really shows how far sensorless startup has come, especially with no tuning. Thanks for taking the time to put it together.

Hopefully more people can experiment with it and post results in this thread.

It’s worth pointing out some details about these ESCs. They are from the first and second batches of VESC 6s released back in 2017 and do not have phase filters. It wasn’t until quite a while later that phase filters were added to the hardware in the MK5 series and above.

If anyone has an ESC with both phase filters and phase shunts it would be really interesting to compare results and see if it resolves some of the issues shown here.

Here is a list of ESCs that have both. There may be more out there.

  • Spintend Ubox 75v single and dual, all versions. Not the 100v. Spintend states on their website that Silent HFI seems to be working well on these controllers.

  • Trampa VESC 6 MK5, MK6, HP, 75v, and EDU

  • Trampa VESC 75/300 R2 and above

A list of ESCs with at least phase shunts (like was used in this testing) can be found here: