VESC FW 5.x - Beta Testers wanted [SERIOUS]

One my motor shafts is like slightly bent. I have a feeling this would mess up induction readings and cause HFI not to work properly. Or am I reading into this wrong?

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Try it, should be fine maybe.

minus the bent shaft.


So with VESC Tool v5.1, can Absolute Maximum Current still go to 400A?


Trying to setup HFI and following the video, when I click on the brake button on vesc tool, my motor just clicks and nothing comes up on the screen… what am i doing wrong?

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change your PPM to no app


Excellent,cheers bro. I got it to work with the remote, but I’ll remember this for next time :ok_hand:

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I updated from Unity FW 23.46 to Beta FW 5.2 without a hitch. Only had one motor temp for a second but then the other one showed up after switching away from the RT page on Metr. Power cycled the Unity, relaunched Metr and both temp readings are still there so that’s great!

Looking forward to testing it out!


Is it normal in motor detection to have 1 motor spinning. as it says motor instead of motors. what i am used to with older firmware are both motors rotating.

Yeah if you aren’t using the wizards then only one motor detects at a time now.


With old firmware 1 of my motor would make noise if board was on without photon remote being on.
With new fw it does not have this noise when remote is of while board would be on.

Also i can change remote setting signal to be higher as lowest value without the motor making same noise.

The speed meter has never worked on the remote.

Cutof start i wanted to put 39.60 but it kept flicking to 40.80

Hello, just to make sure, what should I do to use Trampa WAND with Focbox Unity? I have Metr Pro UNITY module, so JST 2.0mm PH 7-pin UART slot is free.
Besides FW5 flash, will I need Wireless NRF VESC Connect Dongle to use WAND?

yes - because does not support the wand and due to its secured stack its not possible to flash the vesc nrf firmware

If your battery was at 36V, due to sag it will fall below that triggering the 32V cutoff limit.


the battery was sagging big time. The few times that I was able to look on my phone I saw 35…34V, you could be right.


Another issue could be the battery current setting.
How close is it to 50A?

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currently set to 45V

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Per vesc or total?
Vesc tool is per vesc whereas the old unity app is total.

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45 total…

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Good. Just to make it clear you have it set at 22.5A per vesc right?