I’ve been offered 15% to 20% discount on metroboard 155mm tires.
I’m going to order a few sets, and have several others going in too. If you’re in the LA area and you want to help push us to the 20% mark, please fill out the form below.
Can someone clarify why the Metro Board 155s are better? Are they not the same as the Sunmate 155s and the other 8x2 compatible rim 155s on AliExpress?
If these are the same as the sunmates I’ll be upset. and @Accrobrandon can laugh at me.
my understanding is 8x2 means smaller hubs like the aliexpress wheels haggies and 6 shooters. so pretty sure those are very different
these fit on trampa/mbs/etc size hubs.
They are better because they feel awesome. great traction on short course and very comfortable rolling ride. ( they may cut into range for both those reasons. )
Part of me is very seriously considering combining the hybrid board and MTB boards into one…longboard decks and trucks, 155mm tires and Rockstar II rims, beefy ass electronics…fuck I’m torn
That’s the thing, it would involve selling off my MTB so if I was to tear up more trails I would be using this board…maybe I put inserts in the deck and have the bindings removeable?