[US WTS] Everything must go! Selling all parts!

You probably have to use a thick gasket to add the extra depth clearance needed

Also this battery isn’t shaped in a way Ideal for the enclosure so if you built a battery for it you’d have a better time getting the cells you want in there

I think I can squeeze it in then, it’ll be very tight though…Ill get back to you when I know more about the battery?

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Off to the fields again, this time for reals…back in a bit

is that old school metr still nrf51822? If so I call dibs

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I’m looking for 10s, so good luck :upside_down_face:

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Not a clue, I’ll have a pic in an hour or so for you

Ah damn, thanks though!

If you do end up wanting the enclosure I’ll basically trade you for that remote just pay shipping for the enclosure.
And maybe hook up my buddy @whaddys with a good deal on the metr if its what he needs.


Sure, if I can get all my stuff in the Flagship it’s a deal


Interested in the 30q batteries

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@whaddys here is the bluetooth module, it connected to my iPhone through the METR app before

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yeah I’ll buy that $11?

$11 + shipping, shouldn’t be much though…zip code?

hahah you know where I live you just shipped some stuff to me today :joy::joy:


  • facepalm -
    I’m about to pass out rn, brain is mush :joy:
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I honestly have no idea how to ship small things… supposedly there’s a padded envelope for $1.30 but it doesn’t give me the option for it…only $7.90 for small package flat rate

Help me

yeah just wrap good in bubble wrap and ship usps is prolly best bet unless someones got better idea?

Probably…call it $15 shipped and it’s yours unless I find a cheaper way

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deal. lemme know if it ends up being a little more too.

Oh sweet, trying it now