Unity replacement community wishlist

hand-me-downs from my grand parents lmao


Because there are more iPhone users than android users, and most of them don’t have the metr.pro to ever do TPC bridge.

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I like USB C as well, but it really isn’t mandatory. There are still so many other devices and electronics that have micro USB or even mini USB, like Arduinos, Raspberry Pis, older/cheaper smartphones etc. So it shouldn’t be hard to find a cable. And you can do anything via bluetooth anyway.

To me personally more important would be:

  • BLE (+ App)
  • data logging
  • nice metal surface that you can bolt to your heatsink of choice
  • XT90 and AWG 10
  • true sinusoidal control
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iOS has a market share of 10%.
Edit. this number actually refers to units shipped in Q1 2019, actual market share is more like 20-25%, but still.


I can’t believe people are actually sitting here arguing over whether or not it should have USB-C.
I totally understand why people want it . Especially since it wouldn’t really affect the cost almost at all.
Seems like a easy request. Why argue against it ?


Maybe worldwide, but try looking at markets where Esk8 is more present, like North America, Europe and Australia.

That’s a huge user base being left out.


No big company should leave out iOS, that’s for sure. But if you have limited resources you need to start somewhere and then android is the only sane choice looking at global market share, but also many local markets, like Europe. North America is basically the only region where Apple still has the lead.


I’m sure a poll on this here forum can sort the Android vs iOS debate.

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I would predict a tie :thinking:

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I don’t see many tween girls in the US missing out here but I guess I agree it’s better to not exclude users.


Whatever you’ve got an iOS based phone or an Android one, you can make TCP bridge with a metr pro dongle

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This is why I love flutter, it’s a platform independent SDK for mobile apps. It’s a breeze to use and works great whenever you don’t need any special stuff from one of the platforms. It would work great for something like a VESC tool as well.

I am currently writing a telemetry app for personal use with my Arc200 motor controller, as there isn’t really an ecosystem around it. Works just fine on android and should compile without a change for iOS as well. Optimal solution.

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Yeah, I am saying that a lot of the ios folks don’t use a metr pro, that’s why they need a usb connection to connect their vesc.

Why wouldn’t they use a metr pro ?

How about having profiles selectable via extra remote option button? I believe OSRR has two of those.

One of my favourite features of the puck.

Fucking iOS support I dont think Enertion ever got that to work for the unity.


Last update was 6 months ago from @Soflo I think promising by the summer or something.

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@sofu actually. Then enertion didn’t pay her for the work she did.


TRAMPA don’t support all mager platforms tho so that would involve buying a new phone just for the VESC.

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I was actually very sad about this, but now I’m no longer sad