Unity ESC download

There literally is lol, we host/maintain it :smiley:


I’m also surprised nobody knows this…

That thread will literally show on Google when searching for VESC tool



Same, and everyone really should be.


Bit late but remember that you don’t need to enter personal details like address etc.

I alternate between silver and gold, and I will not be judged for it, sir.


I’d pay $15 a month to Ben for a Patreon that sends me the latest tool via email whenever it’s released.

He can get donations and have an easy to use website. Doesn’t have to be exclusive.

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I can do that for ya. :relaxed:


you sneaky mf…

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Or you can just get it from here easily and @rpasichnyk is doing a pretty good job keeping it up to date. Plus, there’s a Mac a version as well.

Other than that I agree with Jeff though and I can see the reasons why Ben set up the distribution site the way he did. Complaining how bad something is that you got for free is rather inappropriate.


I did actually know about that, I just used it the other day.

I meant “officially”

We complain about lockups though? Where do we draw the line about what to complain about.

Anyways, im bookmarking that github link and downloading from there for now on.

(for the record ive donated to vedder more than once)


You don’t complain about free stuff. You bring out a problem or make a suggestion – politely and with appreciation. Complaining is just rude in this case (regardless of how much you donated).

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That’s different. There the manufacturer who sold you the ESC with a buggy firmware without testing it properly is to blame. Or you blame yourself if you changed the firmware. You don’t blame the guy who developed it for you with good intentions and free of charge.

I’m in general completely fine with any form of feedback and if you just say, hey this storefront is a bit confusing to operate and a pain point in the user experience that is something we can take a look at, I just think it’s important to keep in mind there is so much to work on so we should try and focus on what is most annoying and exaggerating doesn’t help do that.

I’ve just built latest VESC Tool with latest VESC FW5.3 BETA51 (supported in Metr app as well) if anyone is interested. For both Windows 10 and macOS. Bluetooth included.


Does anybody have experience with using the android VESC tool-full version,?

Its the full QT desktop version on Android.
vesc_tool_full.apk (34.8 MB)

How about we crowd fund a new website ? I’ll give $100 the moment the fund is open.

This is beautiful, my new go-to