Under deck enclosure options for trampa board.

Because my post was so inflammatory…
Great work Mr admin.

He saved that dank one tho…

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Good choice dude. It took me a lot of time to get used to this. but “one man shops” are often half a step above “some dude in his garage” chances are they aren’t even Making much if any money off it and it’s their side gig. No idea if that’s true for @eBoosted but trust me when we say,
It’s worth the damn wait. :wink:


ooooOOOOOOooooohhh Wwoooooooww an single dayyyyy!!! Surely you do not realize that you can’t always keep up with every single customer every single minute of every day. ONe dAy is not very long to wait for a reply. Be patient

I did read the rest the thread, I’m glad that you are making peace and just moving on. I think this is the best decision. Thanks Alan @eBoosted for the timeline


@Eboosted and @BigBen are the only two people.in the world that make fitted deck enclosures

I thought our boi was ready to shoot himself…


Who the fuck flagged my reply and why?



@eBoosted I was thinking, is making enclosures your full time job or just a side job?

PS enclosure ordered again.

@eBoosted has one of the best sports car shops in his country. He services, up grades and customizes the most expensive, luxurious and desireable sports cars, super cars and racing cars from most sophisticated brands, in Perú. Years of experience. Laying and vacuming composites is one of his specialties almost to a production level, spoilers, ailerons, fenders, etc. you name it. His product quality is like the place he works on: immaculate. High level of cleanliness, detail, perfection. No wonder why his rich costumers trust him their most valuable toys.

And yes Eboosted Peru enclosures is just a side business he does and provides to the Esk8 world when he had the available time from his busy schedule at the car shop. Alan Chau is for lack of a better word, the BEST Esk8 enclosure manufacturer in the world! His name is recognized throughout the entire hobby and the seven continents. His reputation is impeccable (like his work). He is one of the most trusted brands in our universe and like some others, is located at the other end of the world. So, like most costumers here, we understand the limitations, time lines, the logistics, and hurdles needed to overcome, to produce and deliver these type of products to a myriad of clients in a reduced vertical market such as ours.


I’m interested in one of those new doublestack 21700 when they are available!


“has… sports car shop” so he’s the boss?
Why not hire/get someone to do it fulltime?
If there would be one person doing for example 10 of these a day you could get those stocked in different countries and sent next day, price would be reduced and more could be sold.
I saw on couple of pics that he has office people, why not get them to deal with annoying customers like me?

probably the same reason i still work out of my garage and have no employees… this industry is small still and the people doing it are doing it for reasons other than money the majority of the time.


Why not hire/get someone to do it fulltime?
If there would be one person doing for example 10 of these a day you could get those stocked in different countries

You don’t seem to comprehend which hobby we are in or the meaning of these multiple terms tied altogether: ‘custom’ … ‘vertical market’ … ‘hobby’ … ‘at the end of the world’ … ‘logistics’ … ‘busy schedule’ … ‘side business’.


Someone here never dealt with flipshit customer service ain’t it…
1 day reply? Pff…
Refund??? 0.05% off your next order maybe
I think eboosted did right within his own power

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This guy has on his website.

Honestly, flipshit products are what they are, but the customer support isn’t that bad, i had them send me replacement multiple time to the other side of the world without even expecting it

Gtfo of here. Flipshit is terrible customer service. Don’t even think about defending those idiots on here.


I’m edit NOT defending them, they sell shit, they have no qc and not much etic, and I don’t like when stuff burst in flame when you’re riding so i stoped buying their stuff.
But every time i told them i got an issue, they imediatly sent me a replacement.

EDIT (see in the text) that was a malencontrous typo

You might be a very isolated case. Best i was offered was replacement bearings at shipping cost for my motors when they shit the bed in 2 days. How the fuck do i pull out bearings with basic home tools? Not their problem.

If it’s gonna be flipsky again, it will be through a reputable reseller, or used and proven working.
Until then This bears their reputation

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Oh so flipshit = flipsky :rofl:

I guess u didn’t read this then?

took u long enough to get here, but glad we are on the same page on this

I need this bookmarked :rofl: