Ultimate Trampa drift trike

Whats up, I had to give up on my EMTBs because I broke my leg about 2 years ago. But the esk8 itch is still there. So I am making one of the trampa drift trikes. I did not want to go with the standard trampa package with their gear drives and motors ect. That would not be very fun. :laughing: so here are the parts im going to use instead. 6395 145kv reacher motors. BN straight cut gear drives 4.60. Etoxx hubs raw with a trampa adapter. 9 inch trampa diamond tires. Trampa battery box. Maker X d100s. Idea vesc enclosure. 20s4p battery. Wish me luck! :slight_smile:


epic!!! sure much “safer” :joy::joy::joy::joy:


Hopfuly being lower to the ground will help. :laughing:

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Working on the gear drives


Almost done gear drives. Setting backlash is a ocd nightmare.


is that…3d printed?

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Thats just a prototype etoxx sent me a pic of. He cnced a real one for me. I missed the package with the hubs today when i was out grabbing hardware. :laughing:


Gear drives done. : D


Got my hubs today coolest box iv ever gotten.


Here is what the real hub adapters look like


These shiny parts are speaking to my inner seagull


Update. So if your wondering how im mounting the esc box. Im mounting it right to the massive monster box useing some 3d printed petg mounting plates. One on the inside of the box one on the outside. Just a test run with an old box and pla test prints.


I love this. I used to be a sponsored drift trike rider ((yeah… it was a thing lol :laughing:). This would bring back some life to my trikes

Got a picture of Crum from Nitro Circus on my spare trike at Evel Kinevel days getting some tips before he bombed the hill with us. Street bike Tommy didnt want none of it lol


That bike looks sick!

Box mounting on back at to drill my own countersunk holes for trampa dog bone thing it turned out pretty good. :slight_smile:


Its coming together.


Watching this thread, currently getting the parts together to build my own. Might get some pointers off you in the future. Like dimentions off that rear frame work :wink:

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Btw, i see your studs changed in the pictures for the monster box, did they send out the wrong size for you aswel?

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No i had an old beat up one I was using to practice mounting the esc box. What esc are you going to use?

Ive got an old xenith kicking around from some years ago, hopefully this will work. Dont need massive speed as its mostly for my daughter as she wont go on the board i built her.

Building on a budget so trying to salvage the bits i have. Flipsky 6374 170kv, gear drive if i can find cheap, bkb xenith, triad front, home build the rear frame, trampa monster box, not decided on batteries but something like 12s7p.

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