Tynee Explorer Discussion

Couldn’t wait for my riptide pivot cups, so I quickly replaced the bad one with the old stock one. Not great, but better then it was😂

Here’s a of the polished pivot nub(?)

Literally a mirror finish.


Bro. Bro. Bro! Wow! This is insane. Where do you live!?!
What’s the use case!?! Do you intend to ride upstairs or on the moon! Wow!

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Lol! I’m not a fan of urethane or scooter tires.
Honestly, these moon boots conquer any terrain.
@Dinnye was able to build the 25mm spacers to widen the MBS Rockstar Pro ll rims. And ship them from Hungry to Louisiana in 5 days!
And @Titoxd1000 fabricated the motor mounts and got them from California to Louisiana just in time for me to put them on before a head to the beach for a week
So yeah, I will soon test them in the sand to see what this dune buggy can get through!


It’s on stock trucks?


Ok, i see :smiley: duality trucks :slight_smile:


If you are still on the stock Tynee trucks i can make two recommendations to greatly improve them.

  1. Riptide bushing for the DKP trucks.
  2. If you are ready to give up urethane wheels and skinny scooter tires that wear out in the center too quickly. Then pick up a set of these 12mm axle sleeves that allow you to run mountain board wheels and 12x28mm bearings.
    The axle sleeves are only $30 bucks and will allow you to run a wide range of tires with much more grip and longevity.

Once I got over my initial reaction, I was going to ask for more pics. Love it! Tynee has gone Biggee! Sorry!! Definitely a dune bug.
I can’t imagine how it performs so please share when you can.

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Where I can buy axle sleeves ?

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Best $30 bucks that I’ve ever spent.

Unfortunately, shipping axle sleeves to eu is horribly expensive, ;/ Could you recommend type of RipTide bushing?

I was running @tuckjohn’s recommendation, which worked incredibly well:


Rubber baby buggy bumper protection.



Btw, just an fyi- this bushing setup is on the looser side. I’m able to ride it up to 20~30mph, but it’s happiest around 10~15mph.

I tuned it to be able to have a super sharp turning radius, which is useful for commuting (and is fun to carve)


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I think it should be ok for me, I prefer to carve and go off-road rather than go fast :slight_smile:

The new Tynee Explorer Pro runs a 14S 58.8V high voltage power system. Using a 14S4P 1008Wh Samsung 50S battery.
And can be had with either belt drive or hub motors!

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I am about to pull the trigger on this board in the Pro belt drive variant. I emailed Tynee and Aiden’s responses are below. The only thing is the mileage difference does not make sense. The 864Wh Pro claims ‘36 miles (All Terrain) / 52 miles (Street)’, while the Pro simply says ‘Up to 37 miles / 60 km range.’

One mile extra range with 144Wh difference bwtn the 2? Is that the difference of 6" v. 7" pneumatic AT wheels? I bought the cloud wheels 110 Rovers to add to either this or my Hurricane to see what kind of mileage boost I can get.

Here is the email. …

Thank you for the reply.

Now, I have some questions about your Pro Explorer.

Is the Pro as flexible like the other 2 Explorers or has it lost flex because of the difference of the larger battery enclosure?

What is the estimated mileage of the Pro? The website does not give any details other than 37 miles where as the Explorer gives 31-44 miles. Is this because the PRO is only offered with 7 inch AT and no testing has been done on street wheels?

Is the battery pack on the Pro the same IP67 rating?

Will you have a replacement Explorer Pro battery for sale in the future?

What is the ESC Amperage on the Pro, 80A, 90A peak?

Are the motors the same or different KV rating?

Thank you for your time as always!

Aiden’s Response…

  1. yes. It’s same flexible deck. So the 3 Explorer boards are the same flexible.

  2. yes. Because we don’t sell 2 in 1 wheels option. So we don’t write street wheels range.

  3. yes. These 3 Batteries are all IP67.

  4. yes. We will upload the Explorer Pro battery on our website soon.

  5. 14S 80A peak.

  6. it’s about 170KV.

Thank you

I’m excited by the thought of the 14s. I’ve been drooling over a few board and flipping between a boosted style street board and the Explorer. I’m trying to remember who is manufacturing a CF double layered battery that looked sick to give some ridiculous ~1500Wh power? I think the Explorer Pro with 1008Wh is incredible! I was shocked to look at the specs on the Atlas were only 12s3p 544Wh. My Hurricane is 726Wh. I would love to get over 30 miles on a single ride and test 40, 50 on some of our trips.

Then there is the boosted style street board I am wanting. Well last night I found in the Exway Labs their RKP Trist Trucks! OMG! They are tempting to swap on either the Hurricane or Explorer and shorten the board length down to the deck length and put the motors under the board. This is getting pricey!