Trusted Vendor List

This is so funny
I can’t say if this genius, dishonest or pretentious. That being said, after a few months the newcomers are not aware of Mastercarve.

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West coast standard (WCS) is basically psychotiller


Ok, I about shit a brick when I saw that. Its unfortunate that his build quality went down. Either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself turn into a villain right?


I mean regrettably, we have seen a lapse in his battery quality, I don’t know about his decks and enclosures. I think those are still the same

The main problem is consistency and delivery time from my point of view.

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Ya building boards and running a business are two completely different things and trying to do both is difficult

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While there are lapses, this is still my experience with them. If enough people disagree, I can take that comment off.


Ummm… i’d hate to see that guy’s shit get any worse. You can’t go down from the bottom.


to be fair, Dex isn’t the fastest person to respond to emails, but whenever he did, I get an above average, sometimes satisfying answer, so its fair to say his CS is slow, but still pretty good


Hahahah! True but then again, some ppl can do the impossible! :joy::rofl:

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True. His attitude seems to get worse all the time.


was considering buying a deck and enlcosure from him around 2 months ago (thats until i got my hands around some of those jamie decks :drooling_face: ) and his cs was really good took him like 15min to reply to every email and he was really helpful
he was accepting payments through paypal and he was really honest and open about everything when i asked. he seems to be trying to change and if i had never heard of him before i would have been thoroughly impressed.
didnt end up buying the deck so wont know if he would have pulled through but he seemed very good

not telling anyone to buy from him but just wanted to let it be known

Yeah the major problem is the foul taste left in the mouths of people that have undelivered goods, and the fact that quality control is sub par

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I don’t think Miami Board is still in business?
I couldn’t find their website.

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Ooh. Yeah I need to go through this list and double check some of em


You may want to make/remake this to a Wiki (don’t know if it’s possible to convert), so others can edit and you’re not stuck maintaining the whole list of vendors every time someone asks about one.


Do you know what level wiki edit privileges are limited to ?

Level 1 - basic users can edit wikis, which you can get in 10 minutes.

I kind of like the idea of @ShutterShock being the gatekeeper of quality vendors. He’s always around and knows what’s going on

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Guessing member and above.

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Interesting. TIL.