Trimming my evolve bamboo deck

How bad idea is it to cut off from the evolve deck? Picture below for reference, the hex key marks roughly where I want to cut it.

Reason is I ducking hate DKP trucks, and I’m using regular longboard trucks and the evolve deck is designed for that angle so the motor mounts don’t really fit. Drilling new holes for the mount does work but it lowers the ground clearance of the motors. So I would rather skip that

Question is, how much would cutting that part compromise the overall structural integrity of the deck, has anyone tried that? Is it possible to put a steel plate in place to make it less likely to crack?

Note, only the back side of the deck needs to be cut off.

Any help is appreciated :slight_smile:


How do you plan on mounting still drop through? If not then you can fill the hole to make it more structurally sound like what @glyphiks did.

This is a fairly common mod, and a number of decks are made without the end piece - like the Bustin Sportster, Hummie and the TB40.

It’ll be fine.


To be fair, those decks are made with that in mind. I’m not sure how much difference it really makes. I have a demonseed pusher that’s been chopped down to open forks and its fine


Nope, not droptrough
How would you fill the hole?

How we did mine is in here.

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If the motor cans are the only thing hitting the deck, you could put griptape on them, and just sand away the part of the deck that’s in the way, and no more.


I took b’s advice:

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I did it here

And again here… but this one isn’t finished yet.


i think that looks sweet!