Trampa VESC 6 MIII Power Buttons

you need to short Switch to GND somehow, without creating a GND loop.

Would need an always on receiver powered from the battery, and then program an Arduino or something to take the power button input and trigger a relay. That would make your battery die anytime you let it sit for a while tho

Thanks Trampa

Thanks! I thought about that suggestion but I am worried that my battery might die faster

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Chance that you build a GND loop is also very high… You would need to decouple everything.


@Trampa : As mentioned before, I am using the ADC control using a remote/potentiometer for controlling speed. I am facing an issue where the VESC goes to sleep, I do roll to start, the VESC powers back on but the motor does not turn back on(at the last speed using the ADC value it was set to using the pot). I have to reduce potentiometer position to minimum and then increase it back again. Is there a way that the VESC can start up with the last speed value(based on the position of the pot where it was left before the VESC going to sleep). Let me know if there is any information missing.

The software is coded to not do that for safety reasons. Signals need to be zero before you can start up the motor. You are free to change the code and compile a FW that works as you need it to work.


Yes, the first one is “roll to start”, but not the second one.

The second one would be called “roll to start” and also either “push assist” or “endless ride”.

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I got Trampa Vesc 6 - the old one, Can I use wiring for vesc 6 MK3/4/5 for manual on/off and roll to start ?

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Nope, you need a dedicated antispark for these.


Just wondering, what makes these not work with the switch? What hardware component changed in mk3 to allow for this?

@Trampa Can you enlighten us ? :slight_smile:

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It just doesn’t have the internal hardware to turn off regulators and etc, don’t know if the MCU is turned off or just put into deep sleep


The pre MKIII models do not feature the entire circuitry that would allow a sleep mode.