Trampa Trademark & VESC Tool Discussions (serious)

Im not saying that at all.

I believe that the time and effort that vedder invests into this project is not done with the goal of maximizing profit. its doen with the goal of furthering the development of the VESC ecosystem.

The Vesc Project is a labor of love for him and im sure he would continue development regardless of if he was making no money at all or if he had enough funding for a 100 man dev team.

What i dont believe is that you said to vedder “hey how much will it cost to add unity and stormcore support” and he said “probably about 10k” and you said " yeah sure, we will front that cost. divert all development to that before finishing the BMS and other hardware projects that were waiting for to sell and make money from"


Your website is still full of illegal TM use, fix it :clown_face:

Also imagine taking down my ebay listing “Flipsky VX1 remote for VESC” a completely legal use of the TM


The obvious thing here is that the affected party here is not complaining, instead we have a FINANCIALLY MOTIVATED ENTITY @Trampa coming out as a knight in shinning armor to protect an open source project.

It is just a discussing practice.


I just looked it up. 19500 USD for Unity support and HFI and HFI motor detection.

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This is the issue !!!
Stop the open source project and just privatize the dang thing man.
Stop this hypocritical charade, them you can claim all this BS with proper legal and moral Backing.


Originally there was Cleanflight. It was the best flight control software with loads of new development and experimental features. As cleanflight grew in popularity and its user base grew each release had to be more stable and better tested. Development slowed down and builds started to become a complicated mess of outdated features kept for legacy reasons and resistance to develop features for new hardware that wouldn’t be compatible with older flight controllers.

Eventual Boris B wanted to start radically changing the way the flight control modes work to improve performance, but in a way that broke backwards compatibility. The project owner would not accept the PR’s back into the main branch as he didn’t agree with the newer software architecture changes.

The hard fork Betaflight was created. An experimental branch that prioritized new development for cutting edge hardware over supporting rarely used legacy features. Many developers started working on this branch as it was much more accepting of PR’s into the main branch.

It had a regular scheduled beta and release candidate builds with detailed change logs and clear feature road map for each major build version. Its one of the best managed community driven OS projects that i know of.

We need a vesc betaflight, but thats no easy task.


We will get one, I feel it coming. Frank is the perfect personality to push the smart people away from the project he financially coverts so much.


Right, So what you were paying for here is HFI which directly benefits Trampa products.

Adding HFI means you can offer it as a feature on the VESC6 hardware you have exclusive rights to produce. HFI also means that you can simplify your production process by removing the need for motor sensors and their wiring on your products, reducing BOM cost and also reducing costs spent on customer support for sensor faults.


Mate, the Tool is open, it runs on third party as well as original HW. Other brands and the DIY communities have the same benefits.

Right, everyone benefits from new features, But your acting like your the VESC savior pouring your own money into development for the good of the community.

You specifically claimed to have spent +£10K on just unity support and that is not an honest claim.

Just because your paying to have features that benefit your business added to the project doesn’t give you the right to try and control how other people use the software.

Also, Screaming into the abyss may be cathartic but its not really productive. Unless something worthwhile happens here then im done on this topic for today.


Other people can use the software as they like, but they need to use their own branding and make clear that the software is modified and different. That is even part of the GPL license.

You know once more
Make it yours ( private ) or just shut up :shushing_face: :zipper_mouth_face:
Is really annoying your crying :cry: and whining, just MAN up an take possession out right the project.


Ma man :rofl: :+1:t3:


If you eat concrete one day, because you used a modified software without even knowing it, feel free to read through this thread again.


To be reminded of your bitching?


Like how I ate concrete from the default duty cycle current limit start in your stock FW?


Before you posted the tutorials, I might add.


From day one nobody cares about eating pavement, it comes with the territory you should know that better than anyone, your whole business is build on extreme risk taking by your customer.


Well you don’t break open your head when you pull someone’s buggy code. You are just mad that your drone fell out of the sky.


I ate concrete using stock settings on the vesc tool.
Have you ever thought of getting into politics?


Take your BS somewhere else. The world is better for OS. We have a lot of variants and development just because it’s Open Source. Those variants wouldn’t be there if it was closed source. Don’t be such an ingrate.

If I am a manufacturer and I am using someone else’s work, then I should be happy to go by their rules. After getting a free lunch I shouldn’t complain about there not being desserts.