Trampa Trademark & VESC Tool Discussions (serious)

You have lost me… Cool comment

He’s saying a bug in an esk8 controller can kill someone while a bug in a quad controller can just lose some money in broken equipment. There is a big difference in severity of consequence.


One person calls complex another calls dirty. It’s a mater of prospective. If it was totally clean labels and compartmentalised it would help others contribute more but wast time the could be used to add other things. But all this comes down to project management.

I’m just as guilty of been to close to things thinking it’s logical and obvious to have others confused trying to do things and messing other things up. I just say I do it my self.

That statement is so true and a huge majority want you personally to handle the TM differently.

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As I can see you distribute VESC Tool on your website. I’m sorry to inform you, that this is not possible. You may not distribute VESC-Tool, as you hold no license to do so. Vesc Tool is soley distributed by Benjamin Vedder.

If you wish to distribute VESC based software, you need to run your own branch, under your own brand. In this case you have to strip the VESC branding from the software and follow the GPL V3 terms.

If you don’t want to run your own branch, please link to for software downloads.

You can then distribute modified FW along with your product. However, there is a risk, since VESC Tool can not differentiate between official FW5.1 and your modified FW5.1.

There is also a risk of modified FW landing on other HW causing trouble or even destroying HW or putting users at risk


If your device works with the stock VESC Tool, please only distribute FW and not the VESC Tool.
If things are more complicated, it needs to be debated with Vedder. He is very open to find solutions but also very busy this year.

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I take it this is your doing @trampa?

You sad, sad man.


Fuck, I thought in my head while watching “he said vesc, how funny would it be if frank lost it over that”

It’s actually not funny :confused:


wasn’t the top comment something like, “watch out you may summon frank” then this happened.


There are so many videos that say VESC in the title, thumbnail and video yet mine is the only one that gets a copywrite infringement… :thinking:

Its almost like hes targeted me for some commercial reason.


This is an illegal strike too afaik. You can’t be striked for a trademark when not selling goods or services or using it in a commercial setting.

He’s already illegally struck my ebay listing. Its beyond dumb at this point




At this moment trademark law has been fucked up

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Are you serious tramps I didn’t even get to watch this video yet… rip

Are you going to try and appeal it from Youtube?


no, im going to do more videos on this controller though bud


Lol sweet I am considering it for my eventual mountainboard build


I hope that Benjamin Vedders detailed explanaitions helped you to understand the matter.

yeah, he did.

TLDR I dislike you even more.

I gave you the benefit of the doubt, even when a lot of people were telling me to not get close to you in this community I shunned them and did my own thing. I later apologised to those same people. Sometimes you need to get close to take a proper look and decide for yourself.

And here we are.


This has just become so sad. Shows to me, someone considering buying 2 Trampa VESC that they have zero integrity after going after other people for Trademark violation, then defending themselves while doing the exact same thing!

@Trampa was the $10K an exclusive licensing agreement for Trampa to use of the VESC Trademark? is this a Trademark that Trampa now owns?

If not, then I don’t see how it is your business to go after people using VESC, for the exact same thing you are guilty of in several places, Trademark violation. This is coming off really bad, and you guys can continue to dig your own grave.

I am reconsidering purchasing your overly expensive VESCs, yes they are insanely overpriced, but you can do so as long as their really is no real competition in the market place (for now), a


Hello are you the maker of ubox?