I want the series and parallel connections to be as spread out as possible and not just use 1 nickelstrip for connecting the parallel groups in series like in a flat pack.
So far this is the best option I’ve come up with:
did you already get nickel? what thicc ness (Is it from Nkon? )
single nickel strip is ok for parallel groups usually, more than 1 would be needed for the series connections.
by the looks you will use two strips between the 1S6P packs which might be ok if you are welding .15mm
Do you want to make a drawing/draw on image with phone to show your idea of the series wiring?
@FourteeOZ Im making a 12S7P!! the cells from Nkon get here later today after I sleep
here is a teaser
Nickel is on its way (trusted AliExpress seller and gets tested in saltwater when it arrives), I got the cells yesterday from nkon xD
Yup I’m welding. 0.15mm x 12mm
Series wiring is also kinda shown in the excel drawing.
that´s the thing…
if it´s for a trampa, why you need an antispark?
just use and xt90s or if you really want make yourself a loopkey.
with it the space is available and just do the 12s6p all over the case 6p back to back with the next 6p.
oh I see that, I am using Pre tabbed cell to save on initial cost, ill get a precision zapper eventually.
For parallel and series connections I’m soldering and possibly crimping 10Awg silicone wire to all 84 cells.
the wire allows for more Flexible Series connections, but the Vruzend hexagonal cell holders will be totally rigid so no flexy pack.
I am uncertain of my series layout but will be requesting help when I have as much information as possible.
It can if it light up in flames and take the battery with it
we had a time where this happened like once a day…
(i mean a burned or failed anti spark…luckily no fire from it every day)
with a bit luck the fets will just burn in open state and you can´t switch off your board
Is it safer to go with a BMS E-Switch?
(Or do those have their own horror stories?)
Obviously loop key is the way to go on the low and very reliable.
I’m thinking about having key in addition to my BMS, probably a good idea so it can be off and charge.
@pjotr47 I want to use the aluminium box that it came with from the previous owner. It’s pretty small but fits the 12S6P perfectly. It was built very good and I like it. I don’t want the effort to have a new and bulkier plastic enclosure