After a really good session last week I had three changes ready for today. 1. Front to rear wheel drive. 2. Change of radius rods tabs. 3. A new deck.
But I thought that three changes was too much (turned out tat maybe even two was too much), so I decide to only do the first two…
Front to rear wheel drive. I have been doing front wheel drive for about a year now, and was excited to go back to rear wheel to get a good comparison.
First I just like the feeling of being pulled rather than being pushed better.
*Weight distribution… I find a difference having the motors either in front or back. It is mostly felt doing sharp heel side turns.
With FWD going in to the turn feels more controllable and the board steer better. With RWD the front feels to light and the heavy tail make things feel off. And it feels like I can’t do the turns as hard.
Think I just like to have the heaviest part of the board under my front foot where I normally have most of my weight.
*Breaking feels better with FWD as I shift my weight to the front. With FWD this gives better breaking.
*When accelerating out of turns (especially toe side) the acceleration shifts my weight back, making it natural to push with the back leg and use that to steer. With RWD this is much easier and the risk of wheel spin is way less.
- I move my front foot around between turns. With FWD this makes the risk of wheels spin higher, and that gives the board a jerk when it happens. With RWD the control while moving the front foot is much better and it gives me a change of having weight on the accelerating wheels all the time.
As I see it both FWD and RWD has their advantages and disadvantages. But the last two areas above are really important for me on the track. So I think I will leave it RWD.
Radius rods tabs. The 3-link truck have three ways of controlling the turning radius. Bushings, radius rods holes and the radius axel radius tabs.
The radius holes closer to the deck makes the board turn sharper.
Having the tabs close to the ground makes the board turn sharper.
This gives each truck six different turning radius’s. And in combination with each other 36 different setups. I love it.
Until now I have been having the tabs down in front and up in the rear. And when I chased speed this summer I had the rods in the roadside holes making it extremely stable. Here on the track in the top holes making it very turny.
Today I had both tabs close to the ground with the rods in the top holes making the board as carvy as can be. I had to see how that felt.
This changed the steering a great deal and my timing became way off. When leaning as I did before, made the board turn much more. This new steering capabilities changed everything. I if I leave it like this I need to get to know this new steering and build new muscle memory.
And I don’t know if it’s necessary to be able to turn this sharp. It might be useful in races with others on the track, where I might need to do less perfect turns, if I am not taking the lead from the start
A good thing though was that I could use my back foot to steer much better when in toe side turns. With the tab down in rear, the rear truck turns much more making it possible to steer with the back foot.
I spend half an hour dialing in the bushings but the steering was still way off. The board wasn’t unstable or anything. Just a very different steering.
I never got fast today. I was over a second slower today than last week. Now the question is if I just had a slow day, or these two changes did change it to the worse, or if I just need to get used to it.
Think I will keep the RWD but I am not so sure about the radius rods change. One hour with this setup isn’t enough to know. It might be that when I get used to the new steering that it would be an improvement. But right now it doesn’t feel like it.
Also I feel it’s to soon to introduce the new deck already when I haven’t made up my mind with todays changes. But I dont think I can wait any longer. I need to try the deck next week.
Radius rods tabs down = more carvy
Radius Rods tabs up = less carvy
Radius Rods Holes = close to deck = more carvy