Torqueboards TB110 Really Big wheels [Serious]

I don’t really have anything to add here other than look at this pic of when the same thing happened to me on my Abecs.


LoL those are prototypes that were tested by 3 people (@torqueboards, @Skatardude10, @b264) before the 74A Arctic Blue came out and I think @surfnacho has them now

Those are good wheels bruh


110mm 72A Black and 72A Arctic Blue. Should be in stock around mid week. Currently, in-route! :partying_face:


Including the orange wheels, this is one of the most awesome builds I have found so far. Taste is personal and blahblahblah, but not liking that board and the wheels is bad taste. Period.




I’ve been checking your site like every 12 hours :rofl:

(sweating intensifies)

edit: They’re up now on the site :smiley:


Credit card in hand waiting :call_me_hand:


Multiple people from Austria (or wherever in the EU) that want to share shipping? Or organise a group buy :))

Yeah, nothing personal or anything. Is just that Orange is been too common for too long. Like to see some variety. Like some fulgurant emerald color (iWonder just came up with smthng like that) or some electric blue. Some nasty stealth looking colors on bad ass wheels on darker cores. Orange, White, Blue pastels… C’mooon!! :roll_eyes:

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They came up with factory-broken hubs as well.

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Never seen orange 110s plus that makes that pair rare as f$c& @pixelsilva


Further proof to my suspicion that you are Dexter :thinking::thinking:

Hey @torqueboards, do you plan to make other wheel sizes with this formula ? I personally would love some 100mm ultra soft, ultra wide wheels, there is only boa on this size, and they are quite a bit harder. The only thing preventing me from buying your 100mm is the 52mm CP :frowning:

Btw i have a set of your 78A 110, love them, but they are just a bit too big for my current build :wink:

Guess Boosted stretched their wheel lineup with that color for too long. Is not funny anymore. Me too jumped on that train and bought some Orange MBS a while ago to follow the hype. To tell you the truth I can’t stand then any more. Too much orangina x my taste. :nauseated_face: I’m gonna find some nasty looking dark wheels instead.

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Black wheels ? TB has them… @pixelsilva if your looking for dark wheels

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No, we don’t plan on making anything smaller than a 110mm.


I already got a set of those TB 110mm. No, I 'm talking smithing completely different.

Here… enjoy. @pixelsilva


My opinion on the matter is that those wheels look like shit in every color. Just like the bull-bar, for when you get hit by a bull from behind? Make it a front wheel drive, then at least it’s cool to go gather some cattle by board.

Hahahahaha haha gotta love dex. I’ll take em so I can be one of the people with a rare item :crazy_face: @torqueboards

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