TorqueBoards Direct Drive Motor Kit

Ive had pretty much the opposite experience, bought the AT tires a couple years back (they’re pretty much useless by the way, hubs/pulley bearing seats either too loose or too tight and impossible to balance, horrible tubes that pop if you look at them wrong with the wrong angle on the fill valve) and Dex claimed he was bringing an aluminum pulley to market with an inner race so you could lock the tires with pulleys onto an axle (spoiler; he didnt). Bought 2 motors, one of which being shorted out of the box and after 3 youtube video uploads and weeks in-between messages I still paid $40 shipping for another motor, bought his bendy mounts and you can imagine how those went. I got about $50 worth of my money back on about $350 worth of useless shit.

Now with these fatal direct drive problems coming to light on the forum he bails, lost my business and I can’t recommend him for anything except motor pulleys but you’re better served elsewhere for those too.


Any issue with regards to the tires themselves? I’ve read about the tubes, and they will be going on MBS hubs.

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Tires are alright, I never tore up any of the tires even after 1000km and probably 9 or 10 tubes. Still have another 800km of tread on them.


@torqueboards i need a new motor​:zap::see_no_evil: pls answer! Motors to the people​:fist:

Pointless tagging here. I’ve been told they avoid this forum. Much better off messaging directly from website.

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already done several times … no answer

It’s cause you’re part of this forum :wink:

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Its good to have it​:relieved::zap::heart: best help ever…i will sell it by ebay or so…bad bad guys in texxxas the mammon you laid down will teach you karma …:japanese_ogre: time time will come

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Steel TB Direct Drive Hangar (pre-order) – radium-performance


Hi Guys,

I’m trying to setup My TBDD with VX2 and FocBox unity.
What is happening to my motors, the first one make a huge noise and won’t turn after some try and the other make an other noise a some speed.

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loosen the wheel nut, and make sure you put washers to space out your wheels.

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Yeah see if they spin better when you loosen the wheel nut. Also see how much they spin by hand when tight compared to when completely loose by hand. If they bind you need washers behind the wheel too not just in front like @EDness said.

Also sounds like your axle is chattering, thats what the thermal tape is for on the hanger.

Also your bearings are squealing too so I’d figure out that before riding it. You may have to completely remove the grease from the bearings by removing the shield and using alcohol and compressed air, then repack with good grease. It may work by just adding more synthetic, but mixing isn’t ideal. I also suspect metal shavings cause that noise in some cases.

Also…did you run motor detection in VESC?

I installed the VESC tool instead of the Focbox tool.
It’s now working fine except for the telemetry. It must be a little something.

For the bearing I appreciate your info. is it bad If I run it like this for now? It’s brand new and I have some issue to open a bearing and void my warranty :confused:


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It’s only going to get worse if you ride it at all and warranty might not work out the best either way. It’s a lot worse pulling the whole bearings out than just the shields and regreasing.

Finally…very thankful somebody is making these. Bent two hangars already.

@torqueboards has NEVER responded to any messages or DM’s regarding the bent hangars. Legitimately the worst CS I’ve ever dealt with in esk8.

Really feel like he doesn’t care about customers at all & the warranty isn’t real.


welcome to the sad life of dd drivetrains

Hi guys!
Looking hard to find videos and data for the best settings for un TBDD with VESC tool on Focbox Unity and a 12S4P 40T battery.
Any link, printscreen or tips?
The vesc tool is quite complex for a noob like me :confused:

  1. I recommend finding a generic vesc tool tutorial. I’m not sure which is the best or not unfortunately
  2. Assuming you’re not using a BMS for discharge, your battery can safely do +120A, and the direct drives are rated for 80A each. I would set battery charge at -60A, although if you want to stay within the cell’s rated limits, then it would be 6A x4 = 24A total.

Edit: sorry, had numbers wrong earlier because I was thinking p42a; 40T has a lower rated charge rate


I literally just bought this setup (TB DD, Unity, 12s4p 40T). Ask away

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