Yea that’s obv binding somewhere
@torqueboards Any ETA on when people will be able to get this kit with baseplate angles less than 50 degrees? Like 50/35.
We have 35d. Just let us know you want 35d and we can swap it.
@torqueboards I just updated to Unity FW 5.1 and lost my motor temp readings after re-configuration. I’m actually writing another post in the new FW thread but I saw you were online
The motor thermistor type was set to NTC 10K at 25˚C and the Beta Value was set to 3380K… does this sound correct/do you know what these should be?
Should be fine. I believe, it’s 3435K.
@PickSix24 I only recommend it on 4WD. I wouldn’t recommend or suggest it on 2WD.
But I do have TB DD AT Adapters but I’d only sell them if you have purchased a 4WD.
Good to know thanks !
Dexter, are you paying for Google Ads? I just got a Notification for your All Terrain kit discount but via the Google app and not just Gmail
@torqueboards hey Dexter, I’m doing a full teardown and modification to my deck and when I tried to unscrew the wheel nut the axel started rotating. I had to use a wrench to hold it so I could get the wheel off. Can I take the axels all the way off, clean them, throw some loctite on them? Do I need a bit of oil or grease? Sorry I am naive to this.
@torqueboards Dex, I had this same problem. Just FYI. Finished a ride and one of my front axels was loose enough I removed it by hand. I cleaned it up and put some loctite on it and all is well.
@Clark Yeah, I’d definitely check it and make sure it doesn’t come loose. I’ll try and include some info on the page. Should be in a monthly maintenance check routine.
To be fair, they had been untouched and going strong for 7 months now. I was actually unaware that the axels were removable when I bought the set. Thanks for the quick response!
@torqueboards any availability updates for the 75kv kits? I think you’d said you were expecting them in this week maybe?
Should be coming in sometime next week.
We’ll have 60KV, 75KV, 90KV available.
I didn’t know you were doing 60kv dds- I know you’d said before that the 75kv versions weren’t good for AT wheels (unless you go 4wd), but how do the 60kv versions do with an AT setup? Any better?
Tbh I still wouldn’t recommend it and would only recommend it on 4wd as it depends on the terrain, how you ride and where you ride.
I saw your post in the pics only thread with some silver direct drives… New color option or just a prototype?
Also did you get stock back in yet this week like we all hoped?