Hehehe you only 2/4 motors
That is a 38 killshot. Never off topic
Boooooo 40.5 Killy for the win!! Anyways, DIY Killshot gang
Everyone knows your Killshot deck size correlates to your manhood. 40.5 here.
What if yee gotz a 44… what if ye gots 2 44s
I already told you what you need to do to increase your penis size brother Up to you
what are you guys doing… this is a SERIOUS THREAD
Waatt r u doin? We r bein seriouz. The most seriouz
I’ll start handing out the bans immediately.
I don’t see the “serious” tag anywhere in the title . Meaning we can bring out our tamales whenever we want
Virtual ban.
Don’t drag Brian in to fight your fights!
And I still see no “serious” tag on the topic
Double virtual ban. I can do this all day.
Bill knows. Bill likes. Our behaviour is endorsed.
I don’t have any real moral ground here.
BTW, [SERIOUS] only counts if applied at the thread’s creation.
Easy answer, using own @BillGordon words…
Everyone knows your (…custom mounts…) size correlates to your manhood
But seriously, It was my first try at being a true DIY in this hobby. Not taking advise from nobody, just following my guts and creating what I really wanted even if it was going against the conventional wisdom or the purists doctrine (I always mention that I like rare, exotic and complicated things). That’s why I designed the motor mounts myself and asked a renown mount manufacturer to do the honors and CNC’d the thing for me.
I wanted future expansion and thinking the 100mm wheels will be replaced later for a larger size and not wanting that wheel to interfere with Idlers (which by the way were just the new rave back then and nobody knew much about their use or mount placement, road side, deck side, one idler or two, etc.) also wanted to add cross bars (which few used on mounts on their street boards then) and rubber bumpers thinking motors will eventually suffer road rash during group rides; so my mounts ended being that long.