Tomiboieks8 Deck + enclosure designs are here!!!

So, I’m planning a personal summer build now, and I really like your Odashi deck. But I need single stack for clearance on 165 tires, and 12S4P is definitely not enough. So I started crunching some numbers…
Deck and current enclosure dimensions:

Now, 12S5P would be good, but 12S6P would be fantastic.

So to do 12S5P, keep the 4 sections almost as is, widen them to 220mm and the work is basically done. That would leave 7mm of flange at the most narrow part of the deck, which isn’t ideal. But I would then also propose moving the enclosure bolt holes to the flex joints for more material around them.

Still, I think 12S6P might just possible. Switch the cell orientation into to three columns and go to 5 sections, each section will need to be 210x132 (abs. min). So, with with 784mm of real-estate along the deck. 5x132=660mm (exact same overall size as 4 of the current compartments) and leaving 127mm for joints or 31.75mm per, enough I think. There isn’t a ton of room in the 5th compartment, but you could fit a stormcore and smart BMS, although they pretty much need to be sideways which is going to make using a heatsink slightly annoying.
Close to scale dimensions:

PS. if we could really push it, if we could expand the over all enclosure length, so each section was 220x140, 16S4P is doable single stack with enclosure, spintend and LLT BMS internally… also included in the drawings above.


Your awesome thanks, didn’t wanna ask but I appreciate!

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I was playing around with it and I can’t find a way to get 3x8 in a compartment at all.

@A13XR3 Are you talking about 18650s too? With 18650s you can do 12-14s5p, but 6p is out. The Odashi isn’t very flexible in the middle at all because of the double-concave. I think I can do a non-segmented “straight-shot” enclosure for it. That might help solve the problem

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Also, how much clearance are you looking for. I’m running 165mm tires on my AT deck with a double-stack. The clearance is similar to the Odashi. I have about 2" clearance.

Defo 21700’s, ideally want 1000Wh’s from the pack so I can get a solid 30mi in.

My math looked like it’s the same width as 5P, so the length is the issue? I’m not opposed to the straight shot enclosure at all, stiff is totally fine, this is going to be a fast board.

I want to make it over speedbumps without puckering my butt to much.


Blue lines are the inside box dimensions you mentioned. These are old 18650 i had lying around.

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@tomiboi are you planing any decks with more camber?

I have never ridden a board with 25/35 angle (deathwish for example), what would be the advantage vs the more standard 30/30 angle?

ride feel is different, and its supposedly more stable while being similar in turn radius

That looks real interesting, i was just ordering a flux at2 diy kit or their first model then saw this tomiboi deathwish… Perfect name for my new build. My problem is with the enclosure and price. So i’m still debating.

Yes, I’m planning an MTB deck with a big, fat camber. It’s still just a twinkle in my eye tho at the moment. I’m waiting for some additional inspiration. There are several high-camber decks made from basalt/CF/FG but the only one I know of being made from wood/bamboo right now is Ram-boards new deck. I think there might be room for another one.

@ispeedca The people that like to go fast say that the shallower tail angle increases stability. There are a few dissertations about that subject here on the forum. From my experience riding that deck (that’s my current whip) it seems to be true. I didn’t just decrease the angle, I dropped the tail by about 1/2 inch. This helps to keep the trucks at the same level, otherwise the back will ride high. Decreasing the tail angle makes the deck less agile so I compensate by increasing the nose angle to 35 degrees. That fixes the problem.
All of that can be done with angle-risers or adjustable baseplates, but I think it’s optimal to have it built into the deck. At least that’s my argument.


I haven’t made product pages for them yet, but I’m going to be doing the Deathwish and Odashi without Carbon-fiber as well. Just Bamboo and fiberglass. They’ll be about $100 US less.

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On street boards, I heavily prefer 15 degree tails on both ends. Then, I usually wedge the front another ten, and dewedge the back 10, via risers.
Can’t speak on mountainboards.


@rusins my man, are we doing this? Still up for some of the tomiboi deck? I am up for one or two, I would need them shipped to your place, and then if possible for you to forward mine to Croatia?

@tomiboi whats the status with The Murder-hornet 33" in plain wood and Deathwish: 42" Bamboo both with single stack? You got some of them in stock?

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I have plenty of materials. It takes about two weeks to get a deck and enclosure made. Sometimes less depending on what all you want done (Stain, frit, ect…).

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Good. I would like both of them in plain wood, ideally no top coat at all. So I guess it’s the least time consuming version.


Sure! Shipping from the US to me is looking like 100$ rn :grimacing: , and shipping from me to Croatia is like 42€. We can split the total shipping 50/50. I might get hit hard by taxes when it arrives on my end though.


I’ll lie about the price of the decks on the customs forms to help out with taxes.



If it’s above 150€ then I have to show proof of purchase anyway, so I’m not sure if it’s even worth doing