TIE/ad x1 evolution | Backpack MTB | Development Platform

based on this specsheet, the headway lifepo4 cell you have is 3.2v. what the max voltage?

Google? What are you asking? Max voltage is 3.6v, nominal is 3.2v but it quickly drops to 3.0v for 80% of the charge.


gotcha, turns out I was blind.

so 8s you’ll be running is at ~25.6v (nominal) - 29.2v (max)?
Doesn’t that seem a bit low? (~7s li-ion equivalent)

No it’s not. Read the thread from the beginning :wink:


Read the response from @Andy87 above.

@Duffman you beauty!


Do you mean him, his spacers or both?



Well that took longer than expected! Once you add some angle to screw holes, things get tight. Had to completely recess the shock screws to make it work.

Almost cross-threaded my front truck before realising what was going on. Re-threaded it with the screw from the back, and proceeded with a different plan.


So much awesome to report. Love the stability and responsiveness brought by my suspension changes. It doesn’t feel like I’m turning on a pogo stick anymore.

Straight line feel is solid, not so chattery all the time on uneven terrain. I can also dodge debris and puddles super easy now, while oscillation at the top end is absent.

The change to my failsafe mode is also confirmed now, no more full throttle condition next to the 5G tower where I came off before.


now only the battery update is missing

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Not quite, came off again, same place but across the road closer to the 5G tower. In hospital now, possible concussion.


That´s not good to hear. Hope you get well soon.
Hold us up to date!

My plan is coming together. Delivery by delivery.

So I’m travelling for work this week, which means no building or repair of my board, just a lot of awesome reading on this forum and on the internet in general.

I happened upon this thingiverse listing by @MasterCho and noticed that he says he uses CarbonX (carbon fiber impregnated) filament to print.

I bought my ChoZen mod case from him, and from its gray appearance I’d say it’s definitely CarbonX filament. Consistent with his thingiverse pictures too.

Wondering if this could contribute to a weak connection between my Tx and Rx.

Limited time to build these days, but everything should take shape over the next two weeks or so.


As mentioned in The battery builders club, I was excited to get started after charging each 15Ah cell to the same voltage individually, but looking at the result afterward and thinking about it more, I might give it a do-over with balance leads glued in as well and just do it neater overall.

Why can’t you just solder some balance leads to the bus bars?

I could, but I’m going to use ring terminals on the balance lead ends, and just screw them in. Already bought the ring terminals, now I just need to solder / crimp them to the wires.

I even got 200A ring terminals to connect my XT90 wires to the individual 5S packs, making it easy to rebuild and modular too.