Thanks I don’t use the connector at all, I desoldered it and soldered the ppm cables directly to the pcb so its just flat
Thats another way to do it ^^
Yes solder wires directly Don’t trust the ancient servo connectors that come with them especially when they are not supported by a case.
A little flexing on the connector with no support will cause a broken solder joint at the board causing disconnects.
Thanks for that link!
It’s cheaper there than in their website WTF
Almost everything of theirs can be had for less than the price on their website + shipping on good 'ol aliexpress. Look for their parent company’s name HGLRC
This is what I got with one of their (Flipsky’s) newer receivers.
Is this the V6? I just ordered it, idk what the diff is between v4 an v6 lol
I think they mean Vesc6/Vesc4
I have ordered a vx1 v6 and have a 4.12 vesc and the plug dosnt fit. Do I have any options other than buying a new one and selling this one?
Connect through PPM rather than UART
Thanks spei. I’m a total noob, how do I do that
Why? Uart is just simplier.
Look at the VX1 manual, there are diagrams how to connect PPM.
With PPM you can choose between different control modes, with UART there is only the current control possible. That’s the main reason I use the VX1 with PPM and not uart.
Sorry guys im still not getting it
Here is the compents and the manuals. Would I need to cut the contector off and solder the wires on?
If your UART plug doesn’t work, take the PPM (PWM) Cable thats coming out the top of your fesc. Where your xt60 plug is. (Red,black,white) and connect it to the vx1 receiver like shown in the diagram.
Omg amazing! Thank you so much!
Where do you guys usually solder the wire for the battery reading for the remote?
On this schematic, they solder this directly to a cable going to the ESC.
I soldered mine directly to the + side of the battery, is there any more “risks” here by doing so?
There are a few options. I normally solder a lead to the bat+ on the VESC and solder a small (3.5mm usually the smallest I have, but smaller would be better tbh) bullet connector or AS connector to that, then solder a bullet to the flying lead on the UART connector and connect them up so I am able to remove it without desolding/cutting and splicing the wires
You could solder it onto an XT90 bridge of some sort too, or splice it into a BAT+ elsewhere i.e on the board voltage meter if you have one. The unity has a BAT+ auxiliary port too.
Sorry if I missed it, but does anyone know what % the speed modes are capped at?
mode 1: 60%
mode 2: 85%
mode 3: 100%
I looked for documentation but it doesn’t say anything about ppm values or that sort
I just measured the PPM values, with the difference between neutral and Max on the red mode being 100%, and the other two modes came out to 63% and 50%