thinking about going lipo

Same. Had a 12s pack and 3 cells died and/or become puffy. Rode on them for about 100miles.
Took them out, now only running 9s. Building a Molicel p42a 10s3p pack soon


What was your cut offs?


3.5/cell min


Too low. Were you discharing through the BMS?


No. Took them out everytime I needed to charge and charged through a Lipo balance charger

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Ok. 3.5v is already too low even if the cells were discharging equally. But if you are relying on the vesc cut off, that means one cell might have gone to 3.4 while another is at 3.6 and you think that all your cells are at 3.5v but thats not the case.

Once Lipos go below 3.55/3.6v, they start to unbalance rapidly and thats probably where you damaged them.

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Just leaving this here. I dunno why people are taking their Lipos down to under 3.6v.


look like pic won’t load? or is it just me :joy:

anyway, i found it:


Have 2 13Ah 6s lipos for 12s, cut off at 45v and have seen ~12 miles. Still have good charge left but afraid to push it more seeing how this is my first lipo pack. I still don’t know the max range I’ll be getting.

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Just you :rofl: no, I had to click on it a few times for it to show up on the forum page.

Edit: maybe because he edited it :roll_eyes:

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Whats the voltage after 12 miles? I am really curious. Is this the Lipos you bought recently?

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actually the link to the website threw some error at me, so i guess the website doesn’t like HK IP address to visit :man_shrugging:t2:


Yeah, just bought them, the Ovonics. When I end my ride I’m showing from 46.5 - 47ish volts

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Here is another one.


Still didn’t load (on the forum) click on it and takes you there.

Thats pretty nice. So you have around 55-60% battery left. Even if you left 10% battery as spare, you will get atleast 22ish miles. What were you getting from the old 10s5p 35e from 100-0% ?


About 11 miles at most :joy:

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:roll_eyes: How old was the battery? What was the mileage when it was new?

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Don’t know, I bought it used from a guy on forum. He said it had about 50 cycles on it but for $150? I needed to ride😋

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:joy: Whats your charging solution for the Lipos now?

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