The White Cat - I'm back build - LY Evo 40' / Exway hubs / p45b

Yeah but still, how to do it from the start without using cad trick ? only with nymbers

Usually it’s easiest to solve geometry problems with geometry :laughing:
And thanks to it you discovered the formula!

L = total length available
n = number of cells
d = cell diameter

angle = arccos((L - d)/(n - 1)/d) :slight_smile:

P.S. I would suggest wrapping the ends of the cells with fishpaper and then measuring the diameter, and using that / the middle of the two numbers if you only go with a single layer.

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Sure, I still haven’t got the cells on hand, I’ just trying to get and idea of the internal management of the enclosure

Have been playing a bit with the design of the enclosure, here is a teaser, I think I’ll try cutting it next week because I have a busy weekend coming.


Work in progress,
It looks higher than what I though, when I’ll get the battery done I need some more optimisation


It’s taking form!


So I got some p42a :roll_eyes: at least I’ll soon be able to make this board roll

Wtf with all those boxes ?

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Guys look at this poor soul, settling for mere P42As.

1 like = 1 prayer


I hope they are not fake at least ^^" got them from a local guy

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I finaly desasemble my old tayto build and retreived the makerx vtxs receiver and logger,
It all fits and there should be enough place for the BMS too, but it’s going to be a tight build.


First atempt as a hot wire cutter is a fail, those guitar strings aren’t resistive at all


I’ve made a couple big hotwire bows with this stuff, use nothing else. The combo of resistivity and tensile strength at high temperature is awesome.

It’s also really easy to make an adjustable tension bow using only materials from a home improvement store. Mine are handheld instead of bench-mounted, but the same principle should still apply.


Oh, that’s cool, could I buy a metre or two from you ? I guess it could fit in a regular mail.
Their website says the won’t ship international if less than 25m ^^"

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I have to check if I can ship international from the US, but sure. I have extra 28.5 guage.
DM sent.

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It’s been so long I haven’t been ridding an electric board, and this build is sitting there for too long already not going on…
How shamefull is it if I use a simple top mounted case and not go on with the wooden design ?


Not shameful at all. Do whatever you need to get riding!


Perfectly fine to test that the other components work and that you’re even happy with how the board rides + the range you get :slight_smile: Go for it!

You can finish the box next winter :stuck_out_tongue:


Meat is back to the menu boys,

The battery is almost done,
I’ve found a case that has almost the perfect dimension
It also fits my og unity so I guess I’ll use this for now until I can make the smaller wooden enclosure I wanted

(The antisink plates are wooden mokup ones, I’ll get the delrin ones done at some point)


Batterie is finished and working

The lite bms seems to get hot ?
I unplugged it from now, maybe it was just trying to balance but I’m taking no risk until I have time to supervise it.

I soldered usable connectors on two ebike cables, everything seems fine the unity detcts them and has no problem with the sensors, the board rolls pretty good,
I need to fidle a bit with the amp settings, never realy used hubs before.

The case fits everything, I’ll make a few holes for the power button and the motors cables when I sure this is the best case, i’ve one that should be better on its way from aliexpress.

It’s time to slap some griptape and to fix the case and the cables.
For the case I’ll use some heavy duty velcro
For the cables I’ve printed to guides, I’ll fix them down after I’ve put the griptape I think, that’s the cleaner way.
Alternatively I could put them under the griptape, this way they would hold better, but it wouls be somehow less easy to remove or change (and less esthetic)

bad news :

  1. it will probably be raining for the whole week, so won’t be trying it soon
  2. when I dusted my old flipsky vx2 to use it, I heard something fell,
    That was the hall sensor
    Thought it was the perfect oportunity to try myself at smd
    I managed to solder it back in place,
    I’ve melted the plastic that holds the joggwheel with the hot gun… So no more vx2.
    By chance I had an old vx1 laying arround.
    I liked to have the telemetry on the remote, are there potato remote usable now ? Is there anything new on the market that I won’t need to sell a kidney to get and would work better for me ?