The Truth, The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth (As Told By GillBordon)

Since we’re now sharing the contents of private discussions, i also mentioned that you could do that IF you felt i was a monster and evil dictator.

I mean if you insult me of course i’m going to tell you to fuck off.

That’s the thing i don’t get with these people.


I’ve been trying to warn everyone about Australians.


Why did he not post them here himself? Just seems weird to have other people doing it for him. And it being on DRI’s Github, just feels a little weird compared to posting it on imgur or some unbiased third party.


How many shenanigans have you seen around here that didn’t involve Andrew?

It’d be a little awkward if he wasn’t a central character in the drama. :rofl:


Naruto , by its literal meaning , refers to the fish cake roll in cup noodles or Japanese ramen, which is the favourite food of Naruto (the character) and the author. … Usually it is called narutomaki in Japan. The affix maki means roll (卷). Accordingly, Naruto’s family name Uzumaki (漩渦) also means swirl.

ok… if you say so…



I’ve been watching Naruto with my kiddo every morning before school.



Dubbed or subtitles?


1 Like

Dub d(-_-)b

I can’t read


Alright guys as a relative newcomer you can take my opinion how you wish.

I only started my eskate journey this year and this forum has been as huge part of that. The community and vibe here is unreal and I think the #1 priority always should be maintaining that.

Loosely following the “drama” that has been overflowing into the public eye in the past couple days, from an outsiders point of view, can we all agree this is all a bit immature?

Whoever said what in dms or public, frankly, who the fuck cares?

I think the biggest mistake that has been made here is that a disagreement between admins has become a public matter and it’s not a good look for the leadership or the stability of the forum in the eyes of most of the users on here.

this forum isnt a democracy. this forum is my property

@longhairedboy, I can understand this sentiment, after all if you create something from nothing its fair that you want to maintain its focus and trajectory towards the original vision that you had.

Despite this, arguably anyone smart enough to build their own electric skateboard can set up a online forum, you did not write the backend from scratch and you certainly did not create all the content that gives life to this place. In this way the real “ownership” lies with the people of whom invest their time and energy in discussions of eskate. In this way “your” forum is in no way better than any other forms of communication but for the collective agreement between its users that this is where we would like to foster that community.

I hope this makes sense, I am really not trying to be critical of you here, I just think that your mentality that this entire thing is “yours” is a dangerous one.

We have a pretty good rank system that gives us reputation in the community and shows the engagement in it, so let’s use it to take decisions. Close finish threads? An advanced vote system (I won’t develop on it here, I have tons of ideas, if someone it’s interested hit me up), ban people? Flagging.

I think @Oddcomo is onto something with this community-run system. Thinking about it overnight I came up with some possibilities.

@longhairedboy and his chosen pool of admins remain under the current system, otherwise, (namely choosing admins in a democratic fashion), becomes too complicated and frankly most people do not care who is in charge.

My suggestion is that a team of Community Representatives are chosen via public polls to mediate the decisions of admins. These representatives do not hold direct actual admin power, instead they buffer any tensions between admins and represent the interests of the community as a whole.

Secondly, from now on all policy writing and forum direction should be decided via public poles, and perhaps community representatives/mods/admins have more votes.

Continuing this thought - perhaps patreon supporters get additional votes depending on their support tier level. This would be limited, no one wants pay-to-play. But I think there is merit to a “Shareholder” system, as those willing to invest money into, are likely to have a vested interest into its bright future.

Importantly: note that I said into not @longhairedboy per say. I think it makes sense to create incentive to pool as much money into the vision of as possible, after all money will create the influence that we need in the future. What if in 5-10 years more governments start trying to ban these flying boards? We need a strong foundation where we can join the discussion as a collective.

I think the point that I’m trying to make, @longhairedboy, the admins, the mods, and all of us users, we need to be thinking about us against our potential future threats, not infighting. We need strength sending it towards the future so we can all promote this incredible personal electric vehicle together.

Cheers guys,


Dude so you are not going to contribute here anymore? That’s a shame lots of really helpful stuff in all the threads you created.


He gone my little moana fan.

Gone, gone. Like out to get a pack of smokes gone.


like boom~boom out go the lights gone?


Like hubcaps is East St Louis gone.


Like my innocence after watching the walls come down here over the last week gone?


Lol that’s actually my real name :joy::crab:


Gone, like a high-school girl’s virginity, after senior prom… gone…


you told me your real name was…

…two dogs fucking…



Stuck ass to ass, entwined in beastial romance!!
Name that band!!


Yep that’s what it means…


gone like someone’s money who preordered a neobox.

Edit except@kook he got neoboxes and a refund :thinking: