The Step Bro - A Largely 3d Printed Build - COMPLETE!

Haha cheers dude!

I suppose the problem with a rolling build thread like this is that it does make it cumbersome for newcomers to catch up, but I like to share the journey!


No ballsack? No vote for BOTY. :roll_eyes:


Sooooo I’ve been having a little trouble with my sensors.

The other day I was getting abnormal spikes in the temperature readings for one motor. It was causing cutouts and fuckery, so I raised my temp cutoffs to no avail, the problem persisted to get worse. So I pulled the temp sensors out, happy days.

Fast forward to a few days later… started getting mad stuttering on startup, followed by bad faulting/cutouts. It almost certainly seems like a sensor issue and to be completely honest, I’m not surprised…

This has been kinda typical of my stance and my heel has been digging in to the sensor wire on the problem motor. I guess it’s been enough to damage the wires and subsequently giving me bad sensor readings.

I’m kinda annoyed because i’ve been contemplating redesigning the stomp pads for the last week or so, specifically to address this and to add some holes for fixing the pads down.

But such is life! Now I get to play with SHFI…

I pulled the sensors completely and switched the mode in vesc tool to this one. Much to my surprise, it seems to work great right out of the box… will give it a little bit of a flogging tomorrow, but quick first impressions are great!!

First pass at the torch remote went pretty well!!! Printing a dummy torch now so I don’t put my $300 torch at risk every day :sweat_smile:


On a mountainboard I believe sensors will always die inevitably. sHFI is probably for the best.


Sensors are temporary shfi is forever :heart:


SHFI is a win! First proper ride this morning was all good and I logged my fastest time to work! Drive time to work is 12 mins, this morning I got there in 13.5mins :fire:

The torch remote needs some work to be a little more ergonomic, gonna need to have another go at that one! Also planning on having a crack at my own puck shell design soon too


Haha super impressed with shfi.


So you just set it to that and boom magic?

No tuning and such?

I wonder if it would work ok on the Omakase…

Amazingly after all my messing around the sensors on the Gravel Boi are still working…


Yep, just set it and that was the result. @PedroMcJimenez and @Shadowfax have said i’ll get even better performance on startup if I change the HFI Gain to 0.1… gonna try that this afternoon and see how it goes, but even as it is it’s pretty swell!

The one thing I have noticed that is a little concerning, is that if I rock the board back and forth while i’m stationary, and then try to move, sometimes it moves in the direction opposite to the input i am giving. Seems like a pretty big flaw.

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Bet changing the gain will fix this.
The only decipherable difference with shfi and sensors on my board is a little sound until 2-3mph

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I hope so. It is difficult to replicate because it doesn’t happen often, but it definitely happened a couple of times yesterday… i’m not one for being still, so when i have to wait at traffic lights etc, i’m usually rocking backwards and forwards :sweat_smile:

I’ll change the gain this afternoon and have a play.


This is exactly what I observed before adjusting the HFI gain setting. So I have hope that you can get it 100% reliable.

Someone should give vesc discord a heads up that 0.1 is a better default setting for the next set of firmware updates. I don’t participate in discord, so it won’t be me, but someone should.


Let’s go update the firmware on the Omakase…


On vesct tool 6 ive done heaps of FW writing over BT without issue


Yep, I changed it from 0.3 to 0.1 this morning. Noticeably better/faster off the mark, will see if i can’t replicate the inverse direction this afternoon.

With the latest android vesc tool, fw6.2 and the solos, all of my fuckery has been over bluetooth and has all worked perfectly.

The only thing that fucked shit up was trying to change app settings on the secondary esc… that pretty much bricked my shit and i needed to reflash fw. So if you need to change app settings on your secondary esc (for example if you are running two different receivers to have a backup remote), don’t do it over CAN.


Do I just set it to HFI?

Ok. Maybe it’s this one…


Yeah that one.
With a SC on FS motors i had to turn the “hfi gain” down to .100.
Its under FOC then the bottom dropdown select hfi to get to it.


Is it on hubs? @mr.shiteside is also trying to get hubs going on shfi, perhaps you two can hold hands


The Omakase is on dual 6354 190kvs.

But thanks for saying that.
I need to give this a try on the Rayne Crush that does have the Loaded Hubs.

It seemed to work pretty well from a little trial I did on my neighbor’s sloped driveway.

Not having that annoying noise is nice.

And it was not perfect. But it was good.

On flat I could go back and forth very smoothly.