The Questionable Deals Thread?¿

Wait….so not only do we beta test some of their products for them but they want us to go though extra work to give them money that their web site ordering process screwed up?



I kinda was expecting them to contact me about the shipping. To be fair I live in the void, 30$ was too good to be true.


Apparently not too good for @DRI , I have a “flat $15 rate” whenever I go go checkout there. Haven’t made use of it yet but I hope it’s not costing their shirt


Shit sometimes it’s even cheaper…

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Oh yeah if you’re near them it definitely gets better, but for shipping across the pond I get options for all the regular shilpunh methods and then that option as a fallback and that’s unusually cheap

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Does this count?


Yes but I didn’t mean a thread.
I meant a subcategory :rofl:
To jail some people’s threads


Just purchased two of these, they arrived damaged and Flipsky refused refund. Absolute twozzers


My dolphin is alive and well. You win some you don’t.


So true…my fsesc 6.6 is still alive, ran it at 60bat max per vesc on 8inch wheels. I never had any big issue exception some cuttoffs and motor détection issues now and then.
My vx2 remotes (color version) are also going strong. I fell at 60kmh, lost my remote and found it back next to my neighbours garden after more than 6 months. It still powers on!! It survived snowb and rain and very low temps…
My flypsky anti spark switches are doing great too, i actually use them in 3 builds.
On the other hand ive already Blown 2 og focboxes :slight_smile:
I wouldnt recommand any FS vesc or any other product they sell, except the Vx2 pro and the antibspark switches, they are reliable.

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The VX2 Pro has survived minor falls for me it just goes through battery faster than I’d like and the telemetry that’s burning battery doesn’t work (likely a unity problem rather than the remote, but still annoying)

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lol bruh
“hot selling” more like will self combust if run at p42 spec


@JoeyZ5 would like this

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Most likely low grade P42As that are rewrapped to look like grade A. Probably 80-90% performance of a real P42A.

My pic of one, it’s on the bottom :arrow_heading_up:


Some people said they are straight up fake cells but who knows. Not cheap so possibly legit enough.


Got to buy 200 fake cells to test. Do it for science or just buy them from 18650 battery store. They start at 5.99. Its $1215.51 for 200 cells from 18650 including shipping.


I was on another forum and some woman from alibaba messaged me directly after i commented that the printing looked to dark to be real. She assured me they were real. They had a minimum order requirement of 500.

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télécharger (2)

I bet 2 dollars those are the shittiest fake cells you could find

Edit: can’t you get like a sample from the seller? most vendors do

How many companies though would contact you to say that, yes, the cells are low grade rewraps or fakes? :grin:

I’m not saying those are low grade or fake, no way to know for sure from one photo. I’m just saying that no company that has crappy cells will say anything other than they are genuine high grade cells.


Won’t work.
Any sleazy company can ship you great samples and then send crap when you place a bulk order. Our only defense is buying from a company we know will only sell genuine high grade cells.