The Prince | 12s10p flight-safe Idea deck build

Lol what?! Is that from the tires!!!?!??!

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Yep :sweat_smile: Probably going to order some of your tires in the coming days lol

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Since my Luna drivetrain is being lent out to my brother and Rudi, I put the 3ds TKPs back on this board. I also got rid of the footstops; they made my feet hurt. Hoping I just get used to not having any concave.

Also this board would look really cool like this if I had a small battery on the bottom, instead of the giant top box :see_no_evil:

Fun fact: right now I have 5 boards in working order :smiley:


I wonder if wings would work for something like this

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What ever happened to getting out? :joy:


@rusins tire wobble can also happen this extreme due to the valve not sitting correctly under the hole when inflated. I had this happen to my 8 inch tires.


I switched out the 6384 motors to 6355 ones so that I could forward mount the drives. Now I can drag the board from the front, and I never have to worry about hitting my motors against something and breaking them :partying_face:

Green handbag is holding a 12s4p flexipack that I’m testing. I’ll figure out what to do with the phase wires pointing downwards another day :sweat_smile:


How are those motors handling the heat on longer rides?

Bought a Riptide footstop. It’s only barely better than nothing; it’s not close enough to the foot standing platform to be useful. I dig the purple on raw aluminum look though, I wonder why no one’s ever gone with that color scheme before

Anyway, I nearly got speed wobbles today just due to some patch work in an otherwise perfectly smooth road. I think the combination of this flexy of a deck + board’s center of mass being so high + TKP trucks = just not doing any favors whatsoever for stability.

I feel like I’ve tried everything I could to make this deck pleasant to stand on and ride, but no dice. I plan on selling the deck and brackets. I have no use for the drivetrain either, and with these motors it works really well with brackets, so it makes sense to sell together. I also don’t envision myself flying with a battery this large to anywhere but CarvePDX, where I could always loan a board, so I think I could sell that too.

So expect a sale thread for the complete board and/or parts soon. Feel free to PM me if you want dibs on something.


any idea on the price ?

~250€ would be nice, will see

nice, I’ll most certainly won’t have the funds for it as usual, but a sick deal it is

Board is for sale!

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